
Sustainable performance reports

The Climate Change Act (Scotland) 2009 sets out climate change duties and reporting requirements for all major players in the public sector, including the Scottish Government.

We produce two reports each year:

  • the Civil Estate Efficiency and Sustainability report
  • the Public Sector Climate Change Duties report

Civil Estate Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Report

Section 76 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 requires Scottish Ministers to report annually to Parliament on progress towards improving the efficiency and sustainability of buildings that form part of the civil estate in Scotland (including the estate of core Scottish Government and its Executive Agencies).

The Section 76 report considers large office premises and includes information on their energy consumption, water use, and the amount of waste they recycle. The report also includes several measures of efficiency, such as space per person and cost per person.

We collate the supporting information using e-PIMS, our electronic property information management system.

View all the Scottish civil estate: efficiency and sustainability reports.

Public Sector Climate Change Duties report

We introduced required sustainability reporting in 2015, by an Order under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009. This aligns with section 44 of the Climate Change Act, which places duties on all public bodies to carry out their activities and operations in ways that help contribute to achieving our emissions targets, and to act sustainably.

You can view the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Duties reports on the Sustainable Scotland Network website.

Prior to 2015 we produced three sustainability reports in line with previous guidance.

You can view these reports in the archive:

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