1. Building consensus on Council Tax reform

    Future of local taxation to be considered.

  2. National Insurance funding ‘vital for councils’

    Finance Secretary calls for clarity as local authorities set their budgets.

  3. Tax scheme hits £4 billion milestone

    Relief provided to Scottish households.

  4. Scottish Budget Bill 2025 -26 (the Budget (Scotland) (No. 4) Bill): child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment(CRWIA) for the Scottish Budget Bill 2025 to 2026.

  5. Scottish Budget 2025 to 2026: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    The child rights and wellbeing impact assessment for the Scottish Budget 2025-26.

  6. Scottish Budget 2025 to 2026: consumer duty assessment

    The Consumer Duty Impact Assessment for the Scottish Budget 2025-26.

  7. Progress for Scotland

    Majority of Scots better off than in the rest of the UK.

  8. Providing tax stability

    Majority pay less income tax than in rest of the UK.

  9. Scottish Budget 2025 to 2026

    The Scottish Budget sets out the Scottish Government’s proposed spending and tax plans for 2025 to 2026, as presented to the Scottish Parliament.

  10. Scottish Income Tax 2025 to 2026: factsheet

    A factsheet on the changes made to Scottish Income Tax for 2025-26.

  11. Scotland's Tax Strategy: Building on our Tax Principles

    Sets out the next steps in the evolution of the tax landscape in Scotland, expanding on our framework for tax published in 2021.

  12. Scotland's Tax Strategy 2024: equality impact assessment

    The equality impact assessment associated with Scotland's Tax Strategy: Building on our Tax Principles.

  13. Scottish Rate Resolution 2025 to 2026: draft motion and explanatory note

    Draft wording for a Scottish Rate Resolution which would implement the Scottish Income Tax rates and bands proposed in the Scottish Government’s Budget 2025-26, and includes explanatory commentary.

  14. Scotland's Tax Strategy 2024: Fairer Scotland Duty

    The Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment associated with Scotland's Tax Strategy: Building on our Tax Principles.

  15. Scotland's Tax Strategy 2024: consumer duty assessment

    The consumer duty assessment associated with Scotland's Tax Strategy: Building on our Tax Principles.

  16. Scotland's Tax Strategy 2024: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    The child rights and wellbeing impact assessment associated with Scotland's Tax Strategy: Building on our Tax Principles.

  17. Scottish Budget 2025 to 2026: Scottish tax ready reckoners

    This note presents a set of ready reckoners which show the estimated revenue impact of illustrative changes to Scottish Tax policy in 2024-25, including Income Tax, Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) and Non-Domestic Rates (NDR), relative to the policies announced for 2025-26

  18. Scottish Budget 2025 to 2026: Public Attitudes to Tax

    A summary of the public attitudes data and stakeholder priorities on tax policy that were collected during the Scottish Government’s pre-Budget engagement programme.

  19. Non-domestic rates relief statistics

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  20. Non-domestic rates: legislation

    A list of legislation relating to non-domestic rates in Scotland.

  21. International competitiveness: overview

    This paper considers Scotland’s competitiveness, with a particular focus on Scotland’s attractiveness for inward investment. It sets out measures and international comparisons of competitiveness and considers key drivers. It includes a focus on Scotland’s financial services sector.

  22. The Scottish Consolidated Fund Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024

    The 2023-24 annual account for Scottish Consolidated Fund (SCF) set up following devolution in 1999 and under the Scotland Act 1998. This account has been prepared under sections 19(2) and 19(4) of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000.

  23. Pre-Budget Fiscal Statement: Equality and Fairer Scotland Impact Assessment

    Equalities and Fairer Scotland Impact Assessments for the measures taken in the Pre-Budget Fiscal Statement

  24. Scottish Building Safety Levy: partial business and regulatory impact assessment

    Partial assessment of the costs, benefits and risks that the Scottish Building Safety Levy may have an impact on public, private or third sector or regulators.

  25. Scottish Building Safety Levy: consultation

    This consultation invites views on the proposed introduction of a Building Safety Levy on new residential development in Scotland.

  26. Views sought on building safety levy proposals

    Legislation to raise funds for fixing cladding issues.

  27. Scottish revenue increases by £1.7bn

    Government Expenditure & Revenue Scotland statistics 2023-24.

  28. Government Expenditure & Revenue Scotland 2023-24

    An Accredited Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  29. Scottish Child Payment and the labour market

    This publication presents Scottish Government analysis of how Scottish Child Payment interacts with the labour market in Scotland including how it impacts labour market decisions of its clients.

  30. Local Government 2023-24 Provisional Outturn and 2024-25 Budget Estimates

    An Official Statistics Publication.

  31. Council Tax Reduction supports over 450,000 households

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  32. Council Tax Collection Statistics, 2023-24

    This statistics publication provides Council Tax collection figures for Scottish local authorities, up to and including the financial year 2023-24.

  33. Visitor Levy Bill passed

    Local authorities empowered to invest in tourism.

  34. Scotland Act 2016 implementation: eighth annual report

    Report to inform parliament of the implementation work that has been carried out on fiscal powers devolved in the Scotland Act 2016.

  35. Powers secured to introduce building safety levy

    Parliament to consider tax to raise more funding to fix unsafe cladding.

  36. Council tax frozen across Scotland

    Argyll & Bute to keep rates at 2023-24 levels.

  37. Income tax changes

    People urged to check their tax code as new financial year begins.

  38. Council tax on second homes

    Majority of councils using new powers to double rates.

  39. The Environment Strategy for Scotland: Driving the Transition to a Nature Positive Economy - A Synthesis of Policy Levers for Governments

    This report supports the research project ‘Delivering the Environment Strategy Outcome on Scotland’s Economy: Evidence base and Policy levers’. It focuses on the transition to a nature positive economy, summarises key evidence, and presents a synthesis of potential actions.

  40. The Environment Strategy for Scotland: Delivering the Environment Strategy Outcome on Scotland's Economy - Evidence Base & Policy Levers

    This report presents evidence and initial recommendations on how the Scottish Government could use the available policy levers to support the transformations in Scotland’s economy needed to help tackle the climate and nature emergencies.

  41. Additional Dwelling Supplement - change proposals: consultation analysis and Scottish Government response

    Our response to the consultation "Additional Dwelling Supplement: Proposals for Change" which ended on 5 April 2023. Sets out a summary of responses to that consultation and our next steps.

  42. Fairer Council Tax: consultation analysis

    Analysis of responses to the Fairer Council Tax consultation.

  43. Scottish Budget: 2024 to 2025

    The Scottish Budget sets out the Scottish Government’s proposed spending and tax plans for 2024 to 2025, as presented to the Scottish Parliament.

  44. Scottish Income Tax 2024 to 2025: factsheet

    A factsheet on the changes made to Scottish Income Tax for 2024 to 2025.

  45. Scottish Budget 2024 to 2025: attitudes to tax - public engagement

    This document summarises the Scottish Government's engagement on public attitudes to tax.

  46. Scottish Rate Resolution 2024 to 2025: draft motion and explanatory note

    Draft wording for a Scottish Rate Resolution which would implement the Scottish Income Tax rates and bands proposed in the Scottish Government’s Budget 2024-25, and includes explanatory commentary.

  47. Scottish Budget 2024 to 2025: distributional analysis

    Analysis of the impact on household incomes of tax and social security decisions taken in the 2024-25 Scottish Budget.

  48. Scottish tax ready reckoners: direct effects of illustrative tax changes for 2024 to 2025

    This note presents a set of ready reckoners which show the estimated revenue impact of illustrative changes to Scottish Tax policy in 2024-25, including Income Tax, Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) and Non-Domestic Rates (NDR), relative to the policies announced for 2024-25.

  49. Scottish Income Tax operation by HMRC: service level agreement

    This service level agreement sets down the requirements and performance measures for the operation of Scottish Income Tax by His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

  50. Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill: business and regulatory impact assessment

    Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill.

  51. Breaking New Ground? Developing a Scottish tax to replace the UK Aggregates Levy Consultation Analysis Report

    Report on the responses to the Scottish Government consultation regarding the structure and operation of a Scottish Aggregates Tax

  52. Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment - screening

    Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment screening for the Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill which declares that a full assessment is not required.

  53. Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill: fairer Scotland duty - screening

    Fairer Scotland Duty impact assessment screening for the Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill which declares that a full assessment is not required.

  54. Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill: island communities impact assessment - screening

    Island communities impact assessment screening for the Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill which declares that a full assessment is not required.

  55. Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill: equality impact assessment - screening

    Equality impact assessment screening for the Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill which declares that a full assessment is not required.

  56. Prioritising homes for living in

    Council tax premium on second homes.

  57. Fairer Council Tax: consultation

    The Scottish Government and COSLA (on behalf of local government) are inviting responses to this consultation on a fairer council tax system, which concerns the Council Tax charges (also referred to as multipliers) for properties in valuation Bands E to H.

  58. Council tax consultation

    Views sought on changes to higher bands.

  59. Advisory group on tax strategy

    Senior figures brought together from across society.

  60. Council Tax Reduction supports over 450,000 households

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  61. Council Tax Collection Statistics: 2022-2023

    This publication provides statistics on Council Tax collection for 2022-2023 and earlier years. The statistics are based on aggregate returns provided by local authorities, who are responsible for the billing and collection of Council Tax.

  62. Land and Buildings Transaction Tax - proposed relief for Green Freeports consultation: SG response and summary of responses

    Overview of findings and a summary of responses to our consultation on 'The Land and Buildings Transaction Tax: Proposed Relief for Green Freeports’. It also sets out the Scottish Government’s response and a summary of the next steps.

  63. The Scottish Government's Medium-Term Financial Strategy

    This is the sixth Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) published by the Scottish Government and provides the context for the Scottish Budget and the Scottish Parliament.

  64. Visitor Levy Bill: business and regulatory impact assessment

    Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) that looks at the likely costs, benefits and risks of the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill.

  65. Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill: equality impact assessment

    The results of the equality impact assessment (EQIA) undertaken in respect of the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill.

  66. Visitor Levy Bill: Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

    Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment (FSD) undertaken to assess any potential socio-economic disadvantage or inequalities in respect of the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill.

  67. Visitor Levy Bill: data protection impact assessment

    Data protection impact assessment(DPIA) for the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill.

  68. Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill: island communities impact assessment

    An island communities impact assessment (ICIA) considering the potential impact of the introduction of the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill on island communities.

  69. Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    Child Rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) examining the potential impact of the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill on children's human rights.

  70. Visitor levy legislation introduced

    Councils empowered to raise money for local tourism.

  71. Non-domestic rates revaluation statistics

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  72. Equality, opportunity, community: New leadership - A fresh start

    This publication sets out the First Minister’s vision for Scotland and the outcomes he and his government aim to achieve by 2026.

  73. Council Tax for second and empty homes, and non-domestic rates thresholds: consultation

    This joint public consultation with COSLA seeks views on giving local authorities the power to increase council tax on second homes and empty homes, as well as considering whether the current non-domestic rates thresholds for self-catering accommodation remain appropriate.

  74. Non-domestic rates/Council Tax second and empty homes consultation: partial impact assessments

    Partial impact assessments relating to the consultation on council tax for second and long term empty homes, and thresholds for non-domestic rates.

  75. Non-domestic rates/Council Tax second and empty homes consultation: business and regulatory impact assessment

    Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) relating to the consultation on council tax for second and empty homes, and thresholds for non-domestic rates.

  76. New financial year heralds income tax changes

    Additional half a billion pounds raised for public services.

  77. Land and Buildings Transaction Tax - Green Freeports Relief: consultation on proposed legislation

    This consultation seeks views on proposed legislative amendments to the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Scotland) Act 2013,. These will provide a relief from LBTT for qualifying non-residential transactions within a designated Green Freeport tax site.

  78. Calls for targeted cost of living support

    Chancellor should use “full range of powers”.

  79. The Funding of Local Government in Scotland, 2023-2024

    Overview of the calculation of funding for local government, 2023-24.

  80. Consultation opens on additional properties tax

    Views sought on exemptions.

  81. Land and Buildings Transaction Tax - Additional Dwelling Supplement legislation changes: consultation

    This consultation seeks views on proposed legislative amendments to the arrangements for the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) Additional Dwelling Supplement (ADS).

  82. Land and Buildings Transaction Tax - Additional Dwelling Supplement: call for evidence – summary of responses

    Overview of findings and summary of responses to our call for evidence and views on the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) Additional Dwelling Supplement (ADS). It also sets out the Scottish Government’s response to the call for evidence.

  83. Tax support for businesses

    Non-Domestic Rates legislation.

  84. Help with council tax bills

    Minister urges people to check eligibility for support.

  85. Council tax reduction scheme helps households save £3bn

    Minister urges those eligible to apply for support with the cost of living.

  86. Tax changes to support Scotland’s vital public services

    Revenue to deliver £1 billion uplift in NHS funding.

  87. Scottish Budget: 2023 to 2024

    The Scottish Budget sets out the Scottish Government’s proposed spending and tax plans for 2023 to 2024, as presented to the Scottish Parliament.

  88. UK mini-budget a “huge gamble on health of economy”

    Urgent meeting sought with Chancellor.

  89. Emergency Budget Review

    Panel of experts to inform the way forward.

  90. Encouraging sustainable construction

    Consultation on devolved tax to support Scotland’s circular economy.

  91. Cost Crisis Programme for Government

    Scottish Child Payment increased from 14 November.

  92. First step to Fiscal Framework Review

    Independent report into funding for tax and welfare devolution.

  93. Developing fairer taxation

    First Framework for Tax published.

  94. Scotland Welcome Pack for British Nationals (Overseas) from Hong Kong

    A guide for adults and dependants who have been granted leave on the new British National (Overseas) visa to access public services and make the most of the opportunities in Scotland.

  95. UK Budget must match Scotland’s ambition

    Finance Secretary writes to Chancellor.

  96. Non-domestic rates relief extended

    Extra money for mental health, education and tackling poverty.  

  97. Nursery rate relief extended until 2023

    Further support announced for childcare sector.

  98. Non-Domestic Rates Relief Statistics 2020

    This publication provides statistics on the numbers of recipients and values of Non-Domestic Rates reliefs in Scotland, including breakdowns by relief, property type and local authority area, and additional information on SBBS and reliefs introduced to support businesses through the pandemic.

  99. Council Tax Reduction scheme supports almost 500,000 Scots

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  100. Scottish Aggregates Levy: evidence review and policy options

    Research reviewing, modelling and analysing illustrative options for a Scottish specific Aggregate Levy.

  101. Protecting family budgets

    Putting wellbeing at the centre of Budget.

  102. Maintaining a fair tax system

    56% of income taxpayers paying less income tax than rest of UK.

  103. Real terms increase for local government

    Budget delivers £11.3 billion for vital council services.

  104. Scottish Budget 2020-21

    Tackling the climate emergency and protecting public services.

  105. Certainty for Scottish businesses

    Rates relief will be retained.

  106. Council Tax Reduction for almost half a million Scots

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  107. Non-Domestic Rates Revaluation Appeals Statistics, Scotland 2019-20 Q2

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  108. Council Tax reduction for almost half a million Scots

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  109. Empowering local communities

    Consultation on local levy launched.

  110. Devolved taxes: a policy framework - consultation analysis

    Analysis of responses to the 'Devolved taxes: a policy framework' consultation which ran from March to June 2019.

  111. Council Tax Collection Statistics, 2018-19

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  112. Non-domestic Rates Revaluation Appeals Statistics, Scotland 2018-19, Quarter 4

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  113. Rates relief puts Scotland in fibre fast lane

    New initiative to help deliver more broadband infrastructure.

  114. Tourism tax: messages from the national discussion

    High-level summary of the messages that emerged from our national discussion on tourist taxes, and summaries from roundtable discussions.

  115. Tourism tax: evidence from the national discussion

    Written evidence provided by stakeholders to our national discussion on tourist taxes, which took place between November 2018 and January 2019.

  116. Air Departure Tax reduction in Scotland: noise impact assessment

    Potential impact on noise levels of our plans to reduce the overall burden of Air Departure Tax (ADT) by 50%.

  117. Council Tax Reduction for almost half a million Scots

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  118. Tourism tax: discussion document

    This document has been prepared to support our national discussion on transient visitor (tourist) taxes in Scotland. Comments can be sent to tourismdiscussion@gov.scot.

  119. Fiscal framework outturn report: 2018

    The first Fiscal Framework Outturn Report forms part of a revised budget process – as recommended by the final report of the Budget Process Review Group - and follows on from May’s publication of Scotland’s Fiscal Outlook: The Scottish Government’s Five Year Financial Strategy.

  120. 2018-19, Quarter 1 Non-domestic Rates Revaluation Appeals Statistics

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  121. Council Tax Reduction for around half a million Scots

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  122. Council Tax Collection Statistics, 2017-18

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  123. Discretionary Housing Payments

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  124. Council Tax: legislation

    A list of legislation relating to council tax. Some of this legislation may have been subject to amendment since it came into force.

  125. New progressive tax system takes effect

    More than two thirds of taxpayers to pay less under new system.

  126. Scottish Income Tax

    Reforms benefit lowest earning taxpayers.

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