Funding to tackle violence against women and girls

Our Equally Safe strategy is backed by £19 million of annual funding from our Delivering Equally Safe Fund, which has supported 121 projects from 112 organisations since October 2021.

More information about the fund can be found on our funding managers Inspiring Scotland’s website.

Additionally our Victim Centred Approach Fund will provide £48 million to 23 organisations between 2022 to 2025, including £18.5 million for special advocacy support for survivors of gender based violence 

It is vital that we make the best use of resource to tackle violence against women and girls. We are committed to working with partners and specialist stakeholders to develop a sustainable funding model that focuses on prevention and high quality specialist services across Scotland.

The VAWG Sustainable Funding Project Board, co-chaired by Scottish Government and COSLA, has been established to take this forward.

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