
15 to 24 learner journey review

The 15 to 24 Learner Journey Review was set up in 2016 to consider the journey from the senior years of school leading to employment, including further and higher education, vocational training and apprenticeships.

A final report was published in May 2018.

This acknowledges the strengths of the Scottish education and skills system, and sets out priorities for further improvements to ensure all young people get as much as possible from that system.

The publication of the report starts a new phase of further engagement, as we take the Review recommendations forward.

Review background

The Review covered the 15 to 24 stage of learning, in recognition that this is a critical point for young people in their learning journey, being the point of greatest choice - and potentially, therefore, overlap - in provision.

It focused on five key areas:

  1. Improving information, advice and application processes
  2. Improving understanding and connectivity of the careers service in colleges and universities
  3. Improving the ease and equity with which young people can apply to college
  4. Improving the design, alignment and coherence of the 15 to 24 learner journey and the ease with which all young people move through learning, regardless of where they are studying
  5. Reviewing funding across the education and training system with a view to removing unnecessary duplication

It consists of two stages:

Stage 1: evidence gathering and engagement with stakeholders including young people, This will inform the development of a series of policy proposals - September 2016 to December 2017

Stage 2: phased implementation of actions for change - until 2021

The programme of work supports the implementation of phase 1 of the Enterprise and Skills review (2016) and will build on existing strategies, for example Curriculum for Excellence and Developing the Young Workforce.

Review documents

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