1+2 language learning survey: report

Findings from the 2019 survey of local authorities regarding progress with implementation of the 1+2 approach to language learning in Scottish schools.

10. Trends

Comparison of L2 entitlement with results from previous surveys

The data collected in 2015-16 was mostly qualitative, used in the main to audit language provision in schools, and to inform partners of next steps to ensure successful policy implementation.

As the half-way point of implementation was passed and implementation was gathering momentum, the survey evolved and was altered in certain parts to allow for the collection of more quantitative data alongside the qualitative data. The format and content of the surveys and the methods of data collection are agreed between the Scottish Government, ADES and COSLA, and carried out by the Scottish Government on behalf of all the partners. Local authorities are responsible for providing the data and information about implementation of the policy objectives in their schools.

In 2017 we obtained the first figures on the number of primary and secondary schools providing L2. Due to the method in which data was collected, 2017 and 2018 figures contain a degree of uncertainty. In 2019, the quality of the results was further improved so that the figures represent mainstream and special schools separately. Additionally, issues with duplicate number of schools were removed. Overall, the figures from the 2019 survey provide a better and more accurate picture at primary and secondary school level. It is therefore essential to treat results from the 2017, 2018 and 2019 surveys as not fully comparable.

Percentage of primary schools providing the full L2 entitlement

The surveys indicated that in:

  • 2017, about 78% of primary schools were providing an L2 entitlement from P1 onwards.
  • 2018, at least 91% of primary schools were providing the full L2 entitlement (but there were issues with duplicate numbers of schools and special schools were included in these numbers).
  • 2019, approximately 88% of primary schools are providing the full L2 entitlement.

Percentage of secondary schools providing the full L2 entitlement

In 2017, we have figures per language offered as L2 in secondary schools but, because schools can provide more than one language as L2, the figures cannot be aggregated and are not presented here.

The 2018 and 2019 surveys indicated that in:

  • 2018, at least 62% of secondary schools were meeting the full L2 entitlement.
  • 2019, approximately 70% of secondary schools are providing the full L2 entitlement.


Email: ceu@gov.scot

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