1+2 language learning survey: report

Findings from the 2019 survey of local authorities regarding progress with implementation of the 1+2 approach to language learning in Scottish schools.


1. By full L2 entitlement in primary schools, we mean the first additional language is provided continuously from P1 to P7.

2. In schools and units within schools for deaf learners.

3. Although not a language, Makaton can be used with special needs learners as a means of communication.

4. By full L2 entitlementin secondary schools, we mean the first additional language started in primary school is provided continuously from S1 to S3.

5. By full L3 entitlement in primary schools, we mean that L3 is a planned part of the curriculum in P5, P6 and P7.

6. By full L3 entitlement in secondary schools, we mean that L3 is a planned part of the curriculum from S1 to S3.


Email: ceu@gov.scot

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