
15-24 Learner Journey Review

Report of the Scottish Government's review of education provision for 15-24 year olds.

Annex C: Summary of existing learner journeys

250. When considering the journeys currently possible within the education and skills system, underpinned by the relationship between different qualifications, it was established that the education and skills system is currently structured to offer a series of planned journeys for learners, that take place, for example, from:

  • The senior phase to community (activity agreement) and employability based courses and activity
  • The senior phase to employment
  • The senior phase to apprenticeships
  • The senior phase to further education courses in college
  • S5 of the senior phase to higher education in college and university
  • S6 of the senior phase to higher education in college and university
  • College higher education to university
  • Employment involving re-skilling and up-skilling with colleges and universities

251. These journeys are set out in the diagram overleaf, showing the structural relationships between the parts of the education and skills system. The diagram also highlights those areas where options to improve learner journeys might be made.

252. At the outset, therefore, it was established, that the potential for improvements for the learner, come from more efficient progression from:

  • School to community (activity agreement) and employability activity and back into learning and employment
  • school direct to employment / apprenticeship
  • school to higher education in college
  • S5 to HNC in college / year one of university
  • S6 to HND in college / year 2 of university.
  • an HNC in college to year 2 of university
  • an HND in college to year 3 of university
  • Strengthening the links between employment and education, for example, through Graduate Apprenticeships
  • Shortening the time it takes to achieve a university degree via maximising the entry routes
  • Structural changes in relation to the recognition of level and volume of academic credit within the SCQF

The 15-24 Learner Journey
The 15-24 Learner Journey


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