
15-24 Learner Journey Review

Report of the Scottish Government's review of education provision for 15-24 year olds.

Annex D: Glossary

The Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework
The Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework


Some of the key terms and phrases likely to be encountered as part of the 15-24 learner journey review

Adverse Childhood Experiences ( ACEs): These are stressful events occurring in childhood including: domestic violence; parental abandonment through separation or divorce; a parent with a mental health condition; being the victim of abuse (physical, sexual and/or emotional); being the victim of neglect (physical and emotional); a member of the household being in prison; or growing up in a household in which there are adults experiencing alcohol and drug use problems. When children are exposed to adverse and stressful experiences, it can have long-lasting impact on their learning, ability to think and interact with others.

Articulation: Describes the recognition by a university of the academic credit achieved by a learner in the completion of an HNC and an HND. This recognition enables a learner to progress to year 2 of a degree from completion of an HNC and year 3 of a degree from completion of an HND.

Graduate Apprenticeship ( GA): A new approach / qualification to blended work based learning which includes elements of academic, as well as work-based learning to degree equivalent or above.

Curriculum for Excellence ( CfE): The Scottish school curriculum framework. This comprises a broad general education up to the end of S3 followed by a senior phase of learning from S4 to S6. Increased emphasis is placed on inter-disciplinary learning, skills development and encouraging personal achievement. CfE is intended to foster four capacities in all young people: successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

Curriculum Assessment Board ( CAB): The Curriculum and Assessment Board has been established to improve curriculum and assessment policy in education. The Board will be a forum for frank and open discussion about what is working in the curriculum and where improvement is required.

College & University outcome agreements ( OAs): These are funding agreements which set out what colleges and universities plan to deliver in return for their funding from the Scottish Funding Council. Their focus is on the contribution that the tertiary institutions make towards improving life chances and creating sustainable economic growth for Scotland. Outcome agreements span a 3-year period and comprise a regional context statement and an outcome progress table.

Developing the Young Workforce ( DYW): Scotland's youth employment strategy. Through DYW, we aim to reduce youth unemployment levels by 40 per cent by 2021. The strategy aims to create an excellent work relevant education offer to young people in Scotland, giving them the skills for the current and anticipated jobs market. Together with Getting It Right for Every Child and Curriculum for Excellence, DYW is the key policy approach through which the SG is creating excellence and equity in Scottish education.

Enterprise and Skills Review: The review aims to ensure the Scottish Government and all of our public agencies are delivering the joined-up support that our young people, universities, colleges and businesses need to increase sustainable economic growth. The Strategic Board was established in November 2017 in response to the Enterprise and Skills Review. Its objective is to help Scotland progress towards achieving our aim of ranking among the top quartile of OECD countries in terms of productivity, equality, wellbeing and sustainability. This ambition will be supported by improved alignment and co-ordination of the activities of Scotland's enterprise and skills agencies: Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland and the Scottish Funding Council.

Foundation Apprenticeships ( FAs): A new work based qualification in the senior phase of secondary school (S4-S6). It combines nationally recognised qualifications and the acquisition of industry recognised work based skills and capabilities, through learning undertaken in the workplace and school/college. Derived from the existing Modern Apprenticeship frameworks, to better prepare a young person to progress into further or higher education, employment or offer a head start and second year entry into a Modern Apprenticeship.

Getting It Right For Every Child: GIRFEC is the national approach in Scotland to improving outcomes and supporting the wellbeing of children and young people by offering the right help at the right time from the right people.

Insight benchmarking tool: Insight is an online benchmarking tool designed to help bring about improvements for pupils in the senior phase (S4 to S6). It is a professional tool for secondary schools and local authorities to identify areas of success and where improvements can be made. Insight has a focus on helping to reduce the gap between higher and lower attainers, raising attainment for all, improving literacy and numeracy and helping more young people to reach positive post-school destinations. Insight will continue to reflect the wide range of awards undertaken in school or through school college partnerships where these awards meet the criteria for inclusion. These criteria are: be SCQF (see below) credit rated; fit in with Curriculum for Excellence principles; and meet the Insight technical requirements.

Modern Apprenticeship ( MAs): Modern Apprenticeships are work based learning opportunities where the learner is employed. MAs adhere to a framework of skills and standards approved by the Modern Apprenticeship Group ( MAG).

My World of Work ( MWOW): This is an online careers information and advice service for people of all ages.

Personal Social Education ( PSE): This is a taught subject which covers a range of health and wellbeing topics - aspects of planning for choices and changes, substance misuse, relationships, sexual health and parenthood, in addition to aspects of physical activity, sport and health. The Scottish Government's Mental Health Strategy 2017-27 contained a commitment to Review Personal and Social Education ( PSE), the role of pastoral guidance in local authority schools, and services for counselling for children and young people.

Private (or Independent) Training Providers: Generally provide employability programmes, work based learning and a range of related accreditation and certification. They are key in the delivery of Scottish Government funded programmes such as: Modern Apprenticeships and Individual Training Accounts.

Regional Skills Assessments ( RSA): Documents which provide evidence about economic and skills performance and delivery at a regional level across Scotland. They are intended as a resource to inform future skills planning and investment at a regional level.

Regional Improvement Collaboratives: There are six newly established RICs across Scotland with each one being led by a Regional Improvement Lead. The Collaboratives will include sector and curriculum area support including additional support for learning. They will provide targeted advice and support in order to drive improvement, making use of all available evidence and data.

SCEEN: SCEEN serves as a national network of strategic lead officers on enterprise in education in local authorities. The network operates as an independent and non-representative body to facilitate discourse on all aspects related to enterprise in an education setting 3-18.

Scottish Credit Qualifications Framework ( SCQF) : Scotland's national qualifications framework. The Framework helps people of all ages and circumstances to access the education and training that is appropriate to them over their lifetime. The Framework is for all learners, whether:

  • At school
  • At college or university
  • An adult returning to education
  • Considering getting into learning
  • Wanting to re-skill or change career, perhaps after being made redundant
  • A student from outside Scotland

The SCQF has 12 levels. Qualifications at level 1 are the simplest to achieve, and qualifications at level 12 are the most demanding. The SCQF credit points show how much learning is involved in achieving each qualification. One SCQF credit point represents an average of 10 hours of learning. For example, one person may study a course at National 4 ( SCQF level 4) and another at Higher ( SCQF level 6). Both award the same number of SCQF credit points, but they are at different levels of difficulty.

Skills Investment Plans ( SIPs): Statements of industry skills needs on behalf of the relevant Industry Leadership Groups.

STEM: Subjects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The Scottish Government's STEM Strategy [22] aims to build capacity to deliver excellent STEM learning, close equity gaps in participation and attainment in STEM, inspire children, young people and adults to study STEM and connect the STEM education and training offer to labour market needs.


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