
15-24 Learner Journey Review

Report of the Scottish Government's review of education provision for 15-24 year olds.


22. This review was established in 2016 to: 'review education provision for all 16-24 year olds [2] so their learning journey is as efficient and effective as possible and provides stepping stones to success for those needing most support', as set out in the First Minister's Programme for Government and reiterated in 'Delivering Excellence and Equity in Scottish Education: A Delivery Plan for Scotland' in 2016.

23. We want to ensure that all learners are on the right route to the right job, through the right course via the right information. To achieve this we want to ensure that we have a learning system which enables efficient and effective learning journeys through:

  • Informed decision-making by the learner;
  • The quality, value and reach of provision on offer to learners;
  • Straightforward, more efficient connections between parts of the system, including recognition of prior learning;
  • Equality of access to these opportunities, including suitable learner funding;
  • Embedded partnership working with businesses and their representatives.

24. We want our education and skills system to deliver the most value to learners, employers and communities. We also want it to provide an excellent learning experience which meets the needs and aspirations of all young people and equips them with skills for learning, life and work. This means a focus on delivering equity, raising attainment, promoting equality, tackling inequalities and adversity, and supporting those with additional support needs as part of delivering economic success for individuals, companies and employers, and all Scotland's communities.

25. Throughout our engagement we have had feedback that much of what determines outcomes for young people happens before age 15 and that there are many wider factors outside of education that impact on young peoples' journeys. In relation to the latter, we are particularly mindful of what more we can do to prevent adverse childhood experiences ( ACEs) which can impact on a child's development, learning and behaviour, and without intervention, can have long-term damaging impacts, affecting mental and physical well-being.

26. In addressing ACEs we recognise the positive role that schools, colleges, training providers, universities and communities play in supporting children to overcome these experiences – enabling young people to feel safe and nurtured and better supported to build resilience.

27. So, whilst this review focuses on ages 15-24, we acknowledge that it sits within a wider education landscape. We note, for example, the significant role that is played by Community Learning Development in improving life chances of young people in Scotland and in providing opportunities for educational and personal development. The recommendations of this report, therefore, build upon the work being taken forward from early years onwards, including work to better prevent adverse childhood experiences, as well in terms of our key education policies, including Getting It Right For Every Child ( GIRFEC), Curriculum for Excellence ( CfE), Developing the Young Workforce ( DYW), Raising Attainment and wider work to secure excellence and equity.

28. Equally, delivery of this programme supports the implementation of the Enterprise and Skills Review (2016) and Scotland's Economic Strategy (2015) to create a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth.

29. Further information on what the review set out to do and the approach taken is provided at Annex A .


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