2014 Consultation on the Management of Inshore Special Areas of Conservation and Marine Protected Areas Approaches.

2014 Public Consultation on the Management of Inshore Special Areas of Conservation and Marine Protected Areas Approaches.

How to use the site by site description of approaches

Each site description starts out with an introduction explaining how many possible approaches there are and which is preferred at this time. It states the relevant sections of the other main consultation documents. Individual sites have an identifying letter which is used in all of the consultation documents.

For each site there is a description of the protected or qualifying features, the conservation objectives, and a short summary of the management advice given by SNH.

The various approaches are then set out. A description of the measures is given and an explanation for no proposal where appropriate. This is followed by the description of the benefits and an analysis of the costs. No attempt has been made to valorise benefits in these assessments. Please see the Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment of the relevant protected area for details of this. Finally a description of the possible effect of displacement is given.


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