
2015 Review of Public Health in Scotland: Strengthening the Function and re-focusing action for a healthier Scotland

The Public Health Review was asked to examine public health systems and functions and their contribution to improving population health and reducing (health) inequalities. This is the Report on behalf of the Review Group published with a Ministerial foreword from the Minister for Public Health

Annex B. Membership of the Public Health Review Group

1. Dr Hamish Wilson (chair) (Vice Chair Healthcare Improvement Scotland).

2. Professor Marion Bain (Medical Director, NHS National Services Scotland and Co-Chair, Scottish Association of Medical Directors)

3. Calum Campbell (Chief Executive, NHS Lanarkshire )

4. John Carnochan OBE (Co-founder of the Violence Reduction Unit. Technical adviser to the World Health Organisation)

5. Dr Derek Cox (Retired Director of Public Health)

6. Ron Culley / Paula McLeay (Chief Officer Health and Social Care, COSLA)

7. Dr Aileen Keel CBE (Director, Innovative Health Care Delivery Programme, Farr Institute)

8. Angela Leitch (Chief Executive, East Lothian Council)

9. Dona Milne (Consultant in Public Health, NHS Lothian)

10. Prof Sir Lewis Ritchie (James Mackenzie Professor of General Practice, Centre of Academic Primary Care, University of Aberdeen; former Director of Public Health, NHS Grampian)

11. John Ross Scott (Chair, Orkney NHS Board)

12. Susan Siegel (Public Partner)

13. Mr Grant Sugden (Chief Executive, Waverley Care)

14. Professor Carol Tannahill (Director, Glasgow Centre for Population Health)

15. Margie Taylor (Chief Dental Officer, Scottish Government)

16. Fraser Tweedie (Public Partner)

17. Dr Kevin Woods (Former Director-General for Health, Scottish Government and former DG of Health, New Zealand.)

Support at Scottish Government

1. Heather Cowan - Policy Lead , Public Health Division

2. Fee Goodlet - Business Manager, Public Health Division

3. Donald Henderson - Deputy Director, Public Health Division

4. Dr Duncan McCormick - Senior Medical Officer


Email: Gareth Brown

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