
2017 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan

This plan brings together improvement activity from both the Delivery Plan and the Curriculum for Excellence Implementation Plan.

Planning for improvement, reporting and analysis

We know that simply having information is not enough to secure improvement. Effective, system-wide planning, reporting and analysis as part of the National Improvement Framework will help to secure improvement for our education system.

The OECD described the need to strengthen the "middle" of the Scottish education system. The governance review will respond to that recommendation.

Local authorities have the statutory role and function of providing education for Scotland's children and a duty to secure improvement. Local arrangements are already in place to support improvement but more could be done to increase the pace and focus that is required, either in particular areas or for particular groups of children. As the outcomes of the governance review become clear, we will seek to deliver on the key principles we have agreed with local government.

School improvement activity is at the heart of securing better outcomes for our children and young people. More detailed guidance and support for schools is available from Education Scotland at:

Following consultation, it is our intention that the legal requirement on schools to prepare and publish annual school improvement plans and standards and quality reports linked explicitly to the Framework will take effect in August 2017, as will the duty on local authorities to produce annual plans and reports. Schools and local authorities will continue to self-evaluate and report against local priorities alongside the Framework's key priorities.

Planning and reporting on the Framework will form part of a wider public service planning and reporting landscape as part of a new cycle of improvement, aligned at school, local and national level, and taking account of local community planning and priorities. There will be clear links to Local Outcome Improvement Plans, Children's Services Plans and education standards and quality reports.

A wide range of other partners, including those represented on the Curriculum for Excellence Management Board, play a key role in delivering for our children and young people. The governance review will consider the roles and functions of some of these organisations and will define the delivery and decision-making structures at system level.


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