
2019 Aggregate Minerals Survey for Scotland

Collation of the results of the 2019 Aggregate Minerals Survey for Scotland

Planning permissions and refusals

Information has been collected on the numbers of planning applications granted and refused permission in 2019 to supply wholly, or in part, aggregate minerals, and the amounts of mineral that these contained (Tables 15 to 26). Information was supplied by Planning Authorities. Data are presented by site type, e.g. new quarry, borrow pit or extension.

‘Permissions’ granted by way of an amendment to a condition, for example extending the time limit of an existing valid permission or an increase in output, are not included. This is because in these cases the permission did not provide additional reserves. In addition, refusals of the above applications are not included since the loss of the reserves, and also any reduction in reserves flowing from any modification of permission granted, are already accounted for in the reserves figure supplied by quarry operators in their survey return.

Table 16 shows the total number of planning applications granted permission during 2019 by region, and the amounts of mineral they contained. Total reserves of sand and gravel granted planning permission in 2019 were 6.7Mt located in 11 sites. Total reserves of crushed rock granted planning permission in 2019 were 17.7Mt located in 18 sites.

Reserves of sand and gravel and crushed rock for aggregates granted permission is shown by site type and designated area in Tables 22 to 25. The majority of planning permissions granted were extensions to existing sites (six for sand and gravel and ten for crushed rock). No reserves of sand and gravel or crushed rock were granted permission in National Parks in 2019. Total reserves granted in National Scenic Areas were 2.7Mt all of which were sand and gravel.

Planning permission information on aggregates sites located within areas of land allocated for mineral extraction (allocated site, preferred area, area of search) in the PAs development plan is shown in Table 26. Total reserves of aggregate mineral granted permission during 2019 in sites located within areas allocated for mineral extraction in the relevant PA development plan were 1.6Mt for sand and gravel (24% of total sand and gravel reserves permitted) and 2.3Mt for crushed rock (13% of total crushed rock reserves permitted).

Map 1 Planning Authorities and the AM2019 regions
Map showing local planning authorities and AM2019 regions 

East Central Scotland (6) - East Lothian, Edinburgh City, Fife, Midlothian, Scottish Borders West Lothian

Orkney and Shetland Islands (2) Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands 

Eilean Siar/Western Siles (1)

Highland (1) 

North East Scotland (3) Moray, Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City 

Tay Area (3) Angus, Perth and Kinross,   Dundee City 

Forth Valley (Clackmananshire, Falkirk, Stirling) 

Dumfries and Galloway (1)
Map 2 Sales of sand and gravel and crushed rock for primary aggregates, 2019
Map showing sales of sand and gravel and crushed rock for primary aggregates 2019 by AM2019 survey region.

Total Sales 20.8 Mt
Orkney and Shetland 0.1 Mt 
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar/Western Isles 0.2 Mt 
Highland 7.5 Mt 
North East Scotland 1.6 Mt 
Tay Area and Forth valley 0.9 Mt 
East Central Scotland 2.9 Mt 
West Central Scotland 4.5 Mt 
Dumfries and Galloway 0.6 Mt 
Ayrshire Authorities and Argyle and   Bute 2.4 Mt.
Map 3 Consumption of sand and gravel and crushed rock for primary aggregates, 2019
Map showing consumption  of sand and gravel and crushed rock for primary aggregates 2019 by AM2019 survey region 

Total Consumption 13.7 Mt 
Orkney and Shetland 0.1 Mt
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar/ Western Isles 0.2 Mt 
Highland 1.5 Mt 
North East Scotland 1.5 Mt 
Tay Area 0.7 Mt 
East Central Scotland 2.6 Mt 
Dumfries and Galloway 0.3 Mt 
Ayrshire Authorities 1 Mt 
West Central Scotland 5.1 Mt 
Forth Valley 0.5 Mt 
Argyll and Bute 0.3 Mt
Map 4 Sand and gravel inter-regional flows of primary aggregates, 2019
Proportional arrow map showing the inter-regional flows of sand and gravel in 2019.

For clarity exports less than 25 thousand tonnes are not shown.
Map 5 Crushed rock inter-regional flows of primary aggregates, 2019
Proportional arrow map showing the inter-regional flows of crushed rock aggregates in 2019.

For clarity exports less than 25 thousand tonnes are not shown.
Map 6 Permitted reserves of primary aggregates – active and inactive sites, 2019
Map showing Permitted reserves of primary aggregates - active and inactive sites 2019.

Total Reserves 1298.1 Million tonnes 
Orkney and Shetland Island 1.1 Mt 
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar/ Western Isles 5.3 Mt 
Highland 754.2 Mt 
North East Scotland 145.6 Mt 
East Central Scotland 92.5 Mt 
Dumfries and Galloway 23.7 Mt
Ayrshire Authorities and Argyll and Bute 106.9 Mt 
West Central Scotland 153 Mt
Map 7 Sales and consumption of primary aggregates, 2019
Map showing sales and consumption of  primary aggregate 

Sales 20.8 mt 
Consumption 13.7 mt 

Orkney and Shetland 
Sales 0.1 Mt 
Consumption 0.1 Mt 

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar/ Western Isles 
Sales 0.2 Mt 
Consumption 0.2 Mt 

Sales 7.5 Mt 
Consumption 1.5 Mt 

North East Scotland 
Sales 1.6 Mt 
Consumption 1.5 Mt 

Tay Area (and Forth Valley sales only) 
Sales 0.9 Mt 
Consumption 0.7 Mt 

Forth Valley 
Sales - Confidential 
Consumption 0.5 Mt 

East Central Scotland 
Sales 2.9 Mt 
Consumption 2.6 Mt 

West Central Scotland 
Sales 4.5 Mt 
Consumption 5.1 Mt 

Ayrshire Authorities (and Argyll and Bute sales only) 
Sales 2.4 Mt 
Consumption 1.0 Mt 

Dumfries and Galloway 
Sales 0.6 Mt 
Consumption 0.3 Mt 

Argyll and Bute 
Sales confidential 
Consumption 0.5 Mt.

Map 7 caption:

‘c – Confidential

1. Ayrshire Authorities sales also includes Argyll & Bute sales.

2. Tay Area sales also includes Forth Valley sand and gravel sales.

3. Figures for consumption are slightly under estimated. Taking into account unallocated sales (c. 0.85 Mt) and imports from England and Wales (0.08 Mt), total consumption of primary aggregates in Scotland was about 14.6 Mt.



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