
2019 Aggregate Minerals Survey for Scotland

Collation of the results of the 2019 Aggregate Minerals Survey for Scotland

Appendix A – Data Tables

General notes on the tables

The following conventions have been used in the tables:

‘0’ Figure is less than 500 tonnes for all sales and consumption information and less than 0.5Mt for reserves data.

‘–’ Denotes a nil figure. (On rare occasions, such an entry may conceal a confidential figure in order to allow publication of a regional total. Table footnotes indicate where this applies.)

‘c’ Indicates a confidential figure. Totals include concealed confidential figures wherever possible.

Figures in the tables may not fully sum to the row or column total due to rounding.

Table 1 Geographical spread of sites included in the 2019 Aggregate Minerals Survey


Sand and gravel

Crushed rock

Total sites

Argyll & Bute

c c c

Ayrshire Authorities

3 8 11

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

3 7 10

Dumfries & Galloway

8 6 14

East Central Scotland

11 17 28

Forth Valley

c c


7 8 15

North East Scotland

8 12 20

Orkney & Shetland Islands

3 3 6

Tay Area

3 6 9

West Central Scotland

6 12 18


52 79 131

1. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

2. Tay Area also includes Forth Valley sand and gravel.

Table 2 Comparison of sales and consumption of primary aggregates in 2019
Thousand tonnes



Total primary aggregates


Total primary aggregates

Argyll & Bute

c 254

Ayrshire Authorities

2 443 998

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

231 231

Dumfries & Galloway

572 269

East Central Scotland

2 880 2 585

Forth Valley

c 467


7 505 1 456

North East Scotland

1 606 1 488

Orkney & Shetland Islands

132 132

Tay Area

875 696

West Central Scotland

4 536 5 090


20 780 13 666

1. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

2. Tay Area also includes Forth Valley sand and gravel.

3. The figure for total consumption slightly under estimates true consumption because for some regions unallocated sales have an unknown destination. Taking into account unallocated sales (c.0.85 Mt) and imports from England and Wales (0.08 Mt), total consumption of primary aggregates in Scotland was about 14.6 Mt.

Table 3 Summary of sales of primary aggregates in 2019
Thousand tonnes
Region Sand and gravel % of total sand and gravel Crushed rock % of total crushed rock Total sales % of total sales
Argyll & Bute c c c c c c
Ayrshire Authorities 290 8% 2 153 13% 2 443 12%
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 3 0% 229 1% 231 1%
Dumfries & Galloway 407 11% 165 1% 572 3%
East Central Scotland 739 20% 2 142 13% 2 880 14%
Forth Valley c c c c
Highland 314 8% 7 191 42% 7 505 36%
North East Scotland 482 13% 1 124 7% 1 606 8%
Orkney & Shetland Islands 0 0% 131 1% 132 1%
Tay Area 441 12% 434 3% 875 4%
West Central Scotland 1 059 28% 3 477 20% 4 536 22%
Total aggregates 3 735 100% 17 045 100% 20 780 100%

1. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

2. Tay Area also includes Forth Valley sand and gravel.Table 4 Summary of sales of primary aggregates (sand & gravel and crushed rock) by major end use

Table 4 Summary of sales of primary aggregates (sand & gravel and crushed rock) by major end use
Thousand tonnes
Aggregates Use Argyll & Bute Ayrshire Authorities Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Dumfries & Galloway East Central Scotland Forth Valley Highland North East Scotland Orkney & Shetland Islands Tay Area West Central Scotland Total Scotland % of total sales
Coarse/fine concrete aggregate c 136 1 131 443 c 2 412 216 3 222 961 4 526 22%
Building/asphalting sand c 104 124 193 c 0 5 2 348 777 4%
Roadstone/gravel, coated for asphalt c 260 22 292 c 281 78 22 51 524 1 530 7%
Roadstone, uncoated c 241 5 554 c 81 67 64 13 1 267 2 292 11%
Other screened and graded aggregates c 126 31 310 c 754 98 18 75 742 2 154 10%
Railway ballast c 368 112 480 2%
Armourstone and gabion stone c 0 10 46 2 0 18 75 0%
Other construction uses, including fill c 265 6 78 299 c 3 039 114 24 9 563 4 396 21%
Undifferentiated aggregate use c 1 312 224 181 780 c 525 1 026 1 503 4 551 22%
Total aggregates c 2 443 231 572 2 880 c 7 505 1 606 132 875 4 536 20780 100%

1. Coated roadstone also includes material exported from the quarry site for coating with bituminous binder.

2. Roadstone uncoated includes rock chippings for surfacing dressing.

3. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

4. Tay Area also includes Forth Valley sand and gravel.

Table 5 Sales of land-won sand and gravel by product (end use) in 2019
Thousand tonnes
Product Argyll & Bute Ayrshire Authorities Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Dumfries & Galloway East Central Scotland Forth Valley Highland North East Scotland Orkney & Shetland Islands Tay Area West Central Scotland Total Scotland % total sales
Sand for asphalt c 80 84 75 1 88 328 9%
Sand for use in mortar (building sand) c 24 40 118 c 0 5 2 260 449 12%
Sand for concreting c 95 1 83 273 c 30 110 0 131 405 1 127 30%
Gravel for use in asphalt (on or off site) 3 5 0 8 0%
Gravel for concrete c 5 48 20 c 21 95 91 45 326 9%
Other screened and graded gravels for other aggregate purposes c 45 13 124 c 28 50 0 75 232 567 15%
Sand and gravel
Sand and gravel for constructional fill c 10 76 124 c 78 73 3 29 392 10%
Undifferentiated aggregate use c 31 1 60 c 157 148 140 537 14%
Total for Aggregate use c 290 3 407 739 c 314 482 0 441 1059 3 735 100%
Total for Non-aggregate use c c c 363
Total for all uses c 290 3 407 c c c 482 c 441 1 059 4 097

1. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute. 2. Tay Area also includes Forth Valley sand and gravel.

Table 6 Sales of crushed rock by product (end use) in 2019
Thousand tonnes
Product Argyll & Bute Ayrshire Authorities Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Dumfries & Galloway East Central Scotland Forth Valley Highland
Crushed rock, coated for asphalt on site (exc. weight of binder) c 190 19 18
Crushed rock, coated for asphalt off site c 70 20 268 263
Crushed rock for uncoated roadstone & foundation work c 230 5 514 79
Rock chippings for surface dressing c 11 40 2
Railway ballast 368
Concrete aggregate c 36 0 151 2 361
Other screened and graded aggregates c 81 18 185 726
Armourstone and gabion stone 0 10 46
Other construction uses, including fill c 255 6 1 175 2 961
Undifferentiated aggregate use c 1 281 223 121 780 367
Total for Aggregate use c 2 153 229 165 2 142 7 191
Total for Non-aggregate use c
Total for all uses c 2 153 229 165 c 7 191

1. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

Table 6 continued - Sales of crushed rock by product (end use) in 2019
Thousand tonnes
Product North East Scotland Orkney & Shetland Islands Tay Area West Central Scotland Total Scotland % of total sales
Crushed rock, coated for asphalt on site (exc. weight of binder) 78 22 232 560 3%
Crushed rock, coated for asphalt off site 51 292 963 6%
Crushed rock for uncoated roadstone & foundation work 35 56 13 1 231 2 163 13%
Rock chippings for surface dressing 32 7 37 129 1%
Railway ballast 112 480 3%
Concrete aggregate 10 3 511 3 073 18%
Other screened and graded aggregates 48 18 510 1 586 9%
Armourstone and gabion stone 2 0 18 75 0%
Other construction uses, including fill 41 24 6 534 4 004 23%
Undifferentiated aggregate use 878 1 363 0 4 014 24%
Total for Aggregate use 1 124 131 434 3 477 17 045 100%
Total for Non-aggregate use c 45
Total for all uses c 131 434 3 477 17 091
Table 7 Summary of sales of primary aggregates by selected environmental designation in 2019
Thousand tonnes
Argyll & Bute Ayrshire Authorities Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Dumfries & Galloway East Central Scotland Forth Valley Highland North East Scotland Orkney & Shetland Islands Tay Area West Central Scotland Total Scotland
Sand and Gravel
All sites c 290 3 407 739 c 314 482 0 441 1059 3735
National Park c c
SSSI c c c
SPA and SAC c c
Green Belt c c
Crushed Rock
All sites c 2153 229 165 2142 7191 1124 131 434 3477 17045
National Park c c
NSA c c c
SSSI c c c c
Green Belt c c

1. ‘All sites’ includes sales from all land-based mineral workings producing primary aggregates in 2019.

2. Designations are not mutually exclusive, e.g. Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) may overlap with others, such as National Parks and National Scenic Areas (NSA). Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA) are also SSSIs. They are sub-sets of SSSIs.

3. Green Belt is a planning policy designation.

4. Some designations may only coincide with a small part of an extant planning permission. However, the total sales for the mineral working are recorded even though there may be no extraction within the designation. The degree of overlap, and the actual or potential impacts of mineral extraction on the conservation interest of the site will vary and are not reflected in the figures.

5. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

6. Tay Area also includes Forth Valley sand and gravel.

Table 8 Summary of exports and imports of primary aggregates in 2019
Thousand tonnes
Exports Imports
Region Sand and gravel Crushed rock Sand and gravel Crushed rock
Argyll & Bute c c
Ayrshire Authorities 137 1,192 8 130
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway 294 32 0 23
East Central Scotland 348 335 89 299
Forth Valley c 161
Highland 1 6130 9 72
North East Scotland 85 52 0 19
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area 194 83 240 164
West Central Scotland 83 658 260 1 034
Scotland 1 142 8 482 608 1902

1. Exports and imports do not include quantities of unallocated sales to unknown destinations.

2. Exports refers to aggregates exported outside of the region (i.e. to another region of Scotland or to outside of Scotland).

3. Exports include quantities to areas outside Scotland (6.3million tonnes).

4. Imports exclude aggregates imported from outside Scotland (0.08 million tonnes).

5. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute exports and imports.

6. Tay Area sand and gravel also includes Forth Valley.

Table 9a Sales of primary aggregates by region in 2019 – sand and gravel
Thousand tonnes
(Distribution to)
(Distribution from) Argyll & Bute Ayrshire Authorities Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Dumfries & Galloway East Central Scotland
Argyll & Bute c c
Ayrshire Authorities 54 99
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 3
Dumfries & Galloway 113
East Central Scotland 0 1 0 391
Forth Valley c
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area 37
West Central Scotland 7 52
Total aggregates (consumption) 54 106 3 113 480

1. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

Table 9a continued - Sales of primary aggregates by region in 2019 – sand and gravel
Thousand tonnes
(Distribution to)
(Distribution from) Forth Valley Highland North East Scotland Orkney & Shetland Islands Tay Area
Argyll & Bute c
Ayrshire Authorities 9
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland 195 0 0 1
Forth Valley c c
Highland 313
North East Scotland 396 40
Orkney & Shetland Islands 0
Tay Area 108 140
West Central Scotland 4
Total aggregates (consumption) 306 323 397 0 182

1. Tay Area sales also includes Forth Valley sales.

Table 9a continued - Sales of primary aggregates by region in 2019 – sand and gravel
Thousand tonnes
(Distribution to)
(Distribution from) West Central Scotland England Outside GB Unknown Total aggregates (sales)
Argyll & Bute c c
Ayrshire Authorities 50 78 290
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 3
Dumfries & Galloway 28 265 407
East Central Scotland 54 0 96 739
Forth Valley c c
Highland 1 314
North East Scotland 18 6 21 482
Orkney & Shetland Islands 0
Tay Area 157 441
West Central Scotland 976 20 1 059
Total aggregates (consumption) 1 236 68 6 460

1. No sales to Wales were reported.

2. Outside GB comprises sales to Europe and Northern Ireland. No sales to the Republic of Ireland were reported.

Table 9b Sales of primary aggregates by region in 2019 – crushed rock
Thousand tonnes
(Distribution to)
(Distribution from) Argyll & Bute Ayrshire Authorities Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Dumfries & Galloway East Central Scotland
Argyll & Bute c
Ayrshire Authorities 159 858 14
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 229
Dumfries & Galloway 32 133
East Central Scotland 1 806
Forth Valley
Highland 9 51
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area 50
West Central Scotland 31 2 23 184
Total aggregates (consumption) 199 892 229 156 2 105

1. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

Table 9b continued - Sales of primary aggregates by region in 2019 – crushed rock
Thousand tonnes
(Distribution to)
(Distribution from) Forth Valley Highland North East Scotland Orkney & Shetland Islands Tay Area
Argyll & Bute c
Ayrshire Authorities 29 12
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland 71 164
Forth Valley
Highland 1 062
North East Scotland 17 1 072
Orkney & Shetland Islands 131
Tay Area 26 7 350
West Central Scotland 89
Total aggregates (consumption) 161 1 134 1 091 131 514
Table 9b continued - Sales of primary aggregates by region in 2019 – crushed rock
Thousand tonnes
(Distribution to)
(Distribution from) West Central Scotland England Outside GB Unknown Total aggregates (sales)
Argyll & Bute c
Ayrshire Authorities 1 014 67 2 153
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 229
Dumfries & Galloway 165
East Central Scotland 20 40 40 2 142
Forth Valley
Highland 2 353 3 716 7 191
North East Scotland 17 18 1 124
Orkney & Shetland Islands 131
Tay Area 434
West Central Scotland 2 819 9 56 264 3 477
Total aggregates (consumption) 3 853 2 419 3 772 388

1. No sales to Wales were reported.

2. Outside GB comprises sales to Europe and Northern Ireland. No sales to the Republic of Ireland were reported.

Table 10 Sales of primary aggregates by principal transport method in 2019
Thousand tonnes
Road Water Total
Region Sand and gravel Crushed rock Total Sand and gravel Crushed rock Total
Argyll & Bute c c c c
Ayrshire Authorities 290 2153 2443 2443
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 3 229 231 231
Dumfries & Galloway 407 165 572 572
East Central Scotland 739 2142 2880 2880
Forth Valley c c c
Highland 313 544 858 1 6647 6648 7505
North East Scotland 475 1124 1599 6 6 1606
Orkney & Shetland Islands 0 131 132 132
Tay Area 441 434 875 875
West Central Scotland 1059 3422 4481 55 55 4536
Scotland 3727 10343 14071 7 6702 6709 20780

1. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

2. Tay Area also includes Forth Valley sand and gravel.

Table 11a Comparison of sales and consumption of primary aggregates in 2019 – sand and gravel
Thousand tonnes
Sand and gravel Total sales Sales retained within region Imports to region Total consumption (retained + imports) Exports to England Exports to outside GB % sales retained in region % consumption imported
Argyll & Bute c c c c c
Ayrshire Authorities 290 153 8 161 53% 5%
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 3 3 3 100% 0%
Dumfries & Galloway 407 113 0 113 28 28% 0%
East Central Scotland 739 391 89 480 0 53% 19%
Forth Valley c c c c c
Highland 314 313 9 323 100% 3%
North East Scotland 482 396 0 397 18 6 82% 0%
Orkney & Shetland Islands 0 0 0 100% 0%
Tay Area 441 248 240 488 56% 49%
West Central Scotland 1 059 976 260 1 236 20 92% 21%
Total aggregates 3 735 2 593 608 3 200 68 6 92% 21%

1. Consumption includes sales within the home region and imports from other regions in Scotland but not imports from outside Scotland. The figure for total consumption slightly underestimates true consumption because for some regions unallocated sales have an unknown destination.

2. Total unallocated sales of sand and gravel were 0.46million tonnes.

3. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

4. Tay Area also includes Forth Valley.

Table 11b Comparison of sales and consumption of primary aggregates in 2019 – crushed rock
Thousand tonnes
Sand and gravel Total sales Sales retained within region Imports to region Total consumption (retained + imports) Exports to England Exports to outside GB % sales retained in region % consumption imported
Argyll & Bute c c c c c c
Ayrshire Authorities 2 153 961 130 1 091 45% 12%
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 229 229 229 100% 0%
Dumfries & Galloway 165 133 23 156 0 81% 15%
East Central Scotland 2 142 1 806 299 2 105 40 84% 14%
Forth Valley 161 161 100%
Highland 7 191 1 062 72 1 134 2 353 3 716 15% 6%
North East Scotland 1 124 1 072 19 1 091 17 95% 2%
Orkney & Shetland Islands 131 131 131 100% 0%
Tay Area 434 350 164 514 81% 32%
West Central Scotland 3 477 2 819 1 034 3 853 9 56 81% 27%
Total aggregates 17 045 8 563 1 902 10 466 2 419 3 772 81% 27%

1. Consumption includes sales within the home region and imports from other regions in Scotland but not imports from outside Scotland. The figure for total consumption slightly underestimates true consumption because for some regions unallocated sales have an unknown destination.

2. Total unallocated sales of crushed rock were 0.39million tonnes.

3. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

Table 12 Permitted reserves of primary aggregates in active and inactive sites at 31 December 2019
Thousand tonnes
Sand and Gravel Crushed Rock Grand total
Region Active sites Inactive: worked in past Inactive: yet to be worked Total Active sites Inactive: worked in past Inactive: yet to be worked Total
Argyll & Bute c c c c c
Ayrshire Authorities 3560 3560 103387 103387 106947
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 58 58 4764 490 5254 5312
Dumfries & Galloway 2564 1690 1598 5852 11823 6055 17878 23730
East Central Scotland 24534 7051 31585 51218 9672 60890 92475
Forth Valley c c c
Highland 1879 1280 1200 4359 749855 749855 754214
North East Scotland 4950 121 5071 136156 4340 140496 145567
Orkney & Shetland Islands 1 1 1145 1145 1146
Tay area 2650 2650 10360 2679 13039 15689
West Central Scotland 9751 6070 15821 123886 13333 137219 153040
Scotland 49946 16212 2798 68956 1192594 36569 1229163 1298119

1. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

2. Tay Area also includes Forth Valley sand and gravel.

Table 13 Permitted reserves of primary aggregates in active and inactive sites at 31 December 2019 by mineral
Thousand tonnes
Product Argyll & Bute Ayrshire Authorities Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Dumfries & Galloway East Central Scotland Forth Valley Highland North East Scotland Orkney & Shetland Islands Tay Area West Central Scotland Total Scotland
Sand and gravel
Concreting sand c 2 25 1100 10 220 1357
Other sand (inc. building & asphalting sand) c 1 1 20124 70 240 20436
Total sand c 3 25 1 21224 80 460 21792
Total gravel c 15 34 1 200 240 1 490
Undifferentiated sand & gravel (a) c 3542 5850 10161 c 4279 4371 2650 15821 46674
Total sand & gravel - for aggregate c 3560 58 5852 31585 4359 5071 1 2650 15821 68956
Sand & gravel - for non-aggregate use c c 23 016
Crushed rock
Total crushed rock – for aggregate c 103387 5254 17878 60890 749855 140496 1145 13039 137219 1229163
- for non-aggregate use c c 3068

1. Undifferentiated sand and gravel (a) is not included elsewhere.

2. Total reserves for aggregate use exclude material for non-aggregate use.

3. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

4. Tay Area also includes Forth Valley sand and gravel.

Table 14 Permitted reserves of primary aggregates in active and inactive sites by environmental designation at 31 December 2019
Thousand tonnes
Argyll & Bute Ayrshire Authorities Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Dumfries & Galloway East Central Scotland Forth Valley Highland North East Scotland Orkney & Shetland Islands Tay Area West Central Scotland Total Scotland
Sand and Gravel
All sites c 3560 58 5852 31585 c 4359 5071 1 2650 15821 68956
National Park c c c
SSSI c c c
SPA and SAC c c
Green Belt c c
Crushed Rock
All sites c 103387 5254 17878 60890 749855 140496 1145 13039 137219 1229163
National Park c c
NSA c c c
SSSI c c c c c
SPA and SAC c c
Green Belt c c

1. ‘All sites’ includes sales from all land-based mineral workings producing primary aggregates in 2019.

2. Designations are not mutually exclusive, e.g. Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) may overlap with others, such as National Parks and National Scenic Areas (NSA). Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA) are also SSSIs. They are sub-sets of SSSIs.

3. Green Belt is a planning policy designation.

4. Some designations may only coincide with a small part of an extant planning permission. However, the total sales for the mineral working are recorded even though there may be no extraction within the designation. The degree of overlap, and the actual or potential impacts of mineral extraction on the conservation interest of the site will vary and are not reflected in the figures.

5. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

6. Tay Area also includes Forth Valley sand and gravel.

Table 15a Sales, reserves and years supply of primary aggregates at 31 December 2019 – sand and gravel
Thousand tonnes
Sales Estimated consented reserves Maximum supply at 2019 sales levels in years Estimated consented reserves in active sites at end 2019 Maximum supply from active sites at 2019 sales levels in years
Argyll & Bute c c c c c
Ayrshire Authorities 290 3 560 12 3 560 12
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 3 58 23 58 23
Dumfries & Galloway 407 5 852 14 2 564 6
East Central Scotland 739 31 585 43 24 534 33
Forth Valley c c c c c
Highland 314 4 359 14 1 879 6
North East Scotland 482 5 071 11 4 950 10
Orkney & Shetland Islands 0 1 2 1 2
Tay Area 441 2 650 9 2 650 9
West Central Scotland 1 059 15 821 15 9 751 9
Total aggregates 3 735 68 956 18 49 946 13

1. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

2. Tay Area also includes Forth Valley sand and gravel.

Table 15b Sales, reserves and years supply of primary aggregates at 31 December 2019 – crushed rock
Thousand tonnes
Sales Estimated consented reserves Maximum supply at 2019 sales levels in years Estimated consented reserves in active sites at end 2019 Maximum supply from active sites at 2019 sales levels in years
Argyll & Bute c c c c c
Ayrshire Authorities 2 153 103 387 48 103 387 48
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 229 5 254 23 4 764 21
Dumfries & Galloway 165 17 878 109 11 823 72
East Central Scotland 2 142 60 890 28 51 218 24
Forth Valley
Highland 7 191 749 855 104 749 855 104
North East Scotland 1 124 140 496 125 136 156 121
Orkney & Shetland Islands 131 1 145 9 1 145 9
Tay Area 434 13 039 30 10 360 24
West Central Scotland 3 477 137 219 39 123 886 36
Total aggregates 17 045 1 229 163 72 1 192 594 70

1. Ayrshire Authorities also includes Argyll & Bute.

Table 16 Total reserves of primary aggregates granted planning permission in 2019
Thousand tonnes
Region Sand and gravel Crushed rock Grand total
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities 159 2 159 2
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar n/a 3 n/a 3
Dumfries & Galloway 718 1 718 1
East Central Scotland n/a 5 n/a 5
Forth Valley
Highland 4290 4 8204 4 12494 8
North East Scotland 801 2 7000 3 7801 5
Orkney & Shetland Islands 1598 3 1598 3
Tay Area 1569 2 1569 2
West Central Scotland
Scotland 6660 11 17679 18 24339 29

1. Sand and gravel also includes sites for sand only.

2. n/a – tonnage not reported.

Table 17 Total quantity of primary aggregates refused planning permission in 2019
Thousand tonnes
Region Sand and gravel Crushed rock Grand total
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area
West Central Scotland

1. This table is intentionally blank due to non-occurrence of the data combination.

Table 18 Total reserves of sand and gravel granted planning permission in 2019 by site type
Thousand tonnes
Region New quarries Extensions Borrow pits
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar n/a 3
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
Highland 4210 3 80 1
North East Scotland 631 1 170 1
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area 1569 2
Scotland 631 1 5949 6 80 4

1. New quarries excludes borrow pits.

2. Extensions include lateral and vertical.

3. n/a – tonnage not reported.

Table 19 Total quantity of sand and gravel refused planning permission in 2019 by site type
Thousand tonnes
Region New quarries Extensions Borrow pits
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area

1. New quarries excludes borrow pits.

2. Extensions include lateral and vertical.

3. This table is intentionally blank due to non-occurrence of the data combination.

Table 20 Total reserves of crushed rock granted planning permission in 2019 by site type
Thousand tonnes
Region New quarries Extensions Borrow pits
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities 159 2
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway 718 1
East Central Scotland n/a 5
Forth Valley
Highland 8 204 4
North East Scotland 410 1 6 590 2
Orkney & Shetland Islands 1 598 3
Tay Area
Scotland 410 1 17 110 10 159 7

1. New quarries excludes borrow pits.

2. Extensions include lateral and vertical.

3. n/a – tonnage not reported.

Table 21 Total quantity of crushed rock refused planning permission in 2019 by site type
Thousand tonnes
Region New quarries Extensions Borrow pits
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area

1. New quarries excludes borrow pits.

2. Extensions include lateral and vertical.

3. This table is intentionally blank due to non-occurrence of the data combination.

Table 22 Total reserves of sand and gravel granted planning permission in 2019 by environmental designation
Thousand tonnes
Region National Park NSA SPA / SAC
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar n/a 3
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
Highland 2 720 1
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area
Scotland 2 720 4

1. SPA / SAC are a subset of SSSI.

2. n/a – tonnage not reported.

Table 22 continued - Total reserves of sand and gravel granted planning permission in 2019 by environmental designation
Thousand tonnes
Region SSSI NNR Green Belt
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area

1. Green Belt is a planning policy designation.

Table 23 Total quantity of sand and gravel refused planning permission in 2019 by environmental designation
Thousand tonnes
Region National Park NSA SPA / SAC
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area

1. SPA / SAC are a subset of SSSI.

2. This table is intentionally blank due to non-occurrence of the data combination.

Table 23 continued - Total quantity of sand and gravel refused planning permission in 2019 by environmental designation
Thousand tonnes
Region SSSI NNR Green Belt
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area

1. Green Belt is a planning policy designation.

2. This table is intentionally blank due to non-occurrence of the data combination.

Table 24 Total reserves of crushed rock granted planning permission in 2019 by environmental designation
Thousand tonnes
Region National Park NSA SPA / SAC
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area

1. SPA / SAC are a subset of SSSI.

2. This table is intentionally blank due to non-occurrence of the data combination.

Table 24 continued - Total reserves of crushed rock granted planning permission in 2019 by environmental designation
Thousand tonnes
Region SSSI NNR Green Belt
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area

1. Green Belt is a planning policy designation.

2. This table is intentionally blank due to non-occurrence of the data combination.

Table 25 Total quantity of crushed rock refused planning permission in 2019 by environmental designation
Thousand tonnes
Region National Park NSA SPA / SAC
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area

1. SPA / SAC are a subset of SSSI.

2. This table is intentionally blank due to non-occurrence of the data combination.

Table 25 continued - Total quantity of crushed rock refused planning permission in 2019 by environmental designation
Thousand tonnes
Region SSSI NNR Green Belt
Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands
Tay Area

1. Green Belt is a planning policy designation.

2. This table is intentionally blank due to non-occurrence of the data combination.

Table 26 Total quantity of primary aggregates granted or refused permission in 2019 for sites within a development plan allocated area
Thousand tonnes
Sand and gravel Crushed rock
Granted Refused Granted Refused
Region Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions Thousand tonnes Permissions
Argyll & Bute
Ayrshire Authorities
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries & Galloway 718 1
East Central Scotland
Forth Valley
North East Scotland
Orkney & Shetland Islands 1 598 3
Tay Area 1 569 2
Scotland 1 569 2 2 316 4

1. Applies to allocated sites preferred areas and areas of search.



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