
2019 Aggregate Minerals Survey for Scotland

Collation of the results of the 2019 Aggregate Minerals Survey for Scotland

Appendix E – Glossary of terms and abbreviations

Active/Inactive Sites are described as active where material was produced at any time during 2019 and as inactive when the site was not in production during that period. Inactive sites include those that have been worked in the past and those that have yet to begin.

Aggregate Granular or particulate material which is suitable for use (on its own or with the addition of cement, lime or bituminous binder) in construction as concrete, mortar, roadstone, asphalt or drainage courses, or for use as constructional fill or railway ballast (also referred to as ‘construction aggregates’).

Aggregate mineral Naturally-occurring material suitable for aggregate uses.

Primary aggregates Aggregate produced from naturally-occurring mineral deposits and used for the first time.

Aggregate sales The tonnage of mineral leaving a quarry as measured at a weighbridge.

Aggregate consumption Apparent consumption is calculated from data on known sales within each home region, plus known imports from other regions and, where appropriate, known imports from outside Scotland. It is less than total consumption due to unallocated sales of unknown destination which, therefore, cannot be attributed to any consuming region. Further, some caution should be used in interpreting the consumption figures as they are calculated from the principal destination of aggregate flows. Final sales, may be to other regions.

All sites All land-won mineral workings for the production of aggregates.

BAA British Aggregates Association, the trade body for independent quarry companies.

Borrow pit A site for the extraction of aggregate minerals over a limited period, for exclusive use in a specific construction project, which will usually be close to or contiguous with the site.

Construction fill Fill material that will bear loads (e.g. in suitably designed embankments) as distinct from landfill to occupy voids and not specially intended to bear loads.

Dormant site Dormant sites may be defined in accordance with the Planning & Compensation Act 1991 (PCA 1991) or the Environment Act 1995 (EA 1995) as re-enacted in the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. In respect of the PCA 1991 the term defines a site where mineral planning permission was granted after 21 July 1943 and before 1 July 1948 and where no working has been carried out to any substantial extent in, on or under the land to which the permission relates between 1 May 1989 and 30 April 1991 inclusive. In respect of the EA 1995 the term defines a site where the predominant mineral permission(s) was granted after 30 June 1948 and before 22 February 1982, and where no mineral development has been carried out to any substantial extent in, on or under the site between 22 February 1982 and 6 June 1995 inclusive. The term “substantial extent” is not defined in statute and, in the absence of case law, the words have their common or everyday meaning. It is unlawful to carry out mineral working on a dormant site until full modern planning conditions have been approved by the relevant Planning Authority (PA). There is no time limit for the submission to the relevant PA of an application for the determination of such conditions. Dormant sites do not contain permitted reserves.

Extension A site granted permission for the extraction of aggregate minerals for which there has been a change in the size (laterally or vertically) of the development from the original planning consent.

Green Belt An area of land designated in development plans within which the fundamental aim is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping that land permanently open.

Greenfield site For the purposes of the Aggregate Minerals Survey, land previously in agriculture or non-urban/industrial use which becomes the location for a new mineral operation. Analogous to new quarries.

New quarries A totally new mineral operation.

Landbank A stock of planning permissions to which valid conditions are attached for the winning and working of minerals. It is composed of the sum of all permitted reserves at active and inactive sites (but not dormant sites) at a given point in time, and for a given area.

PA Planning Authority, responsible for planning control over mineral working within its area.

Marine wharves Points at which marine-dredged sand and gravel are landed and processed. Some marine wharves are used for landing crushed rock.

MPA Mineral Products Association, the trade association which represents quarry operators, who together account for more than 90% of the quarried aggregate materials in Great Britain.

Mt Million tonnes (i.e. Megatonne).

NNR National Nature Reserves designated to protect important habitats, species and geology, and to provide ‘outdoor laboratories’ for research.

National Park National Parks are designated to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage they contain, and to promote opportunities and enjoyment by the public of the areas they cover. An independent National Park Authority administers each Park.

NSA Legislation defines a National Scenic Area as an area “of outstanding scenic value in a national context”. The designation’s purpose is both to identify our finest scenery and to ensure its protection from inappropriate development.

Non-aggregate uses Use of material suitable for aggregate purposes (see Aggregate above) for uses other than constructional and normal aggregate applications. Such uses could include ingredients in industrial processes, e.g. the manufacture of cement, chemicals, refractories, iron/steel, glass, ceramics, sugar, plastics, rubber, paper and sealants. It would not cover the use of finely crushed material used to manufacture concrete bricks, blocks, pipes and tiles (this is classed as aggregate). However, it would, for example, include lime use in bricks or blocks. The term also covers building, dimension, memorial, paving, walling and armour stone (e.g. for sea/river defenses) (i.e. in all cases where not crushed) and ground limestone or dolomite use in agricultural fertilizers and feedstuffs. The term ‘industrial uses’ is sometimes used synonymously with ‘non-aggregate uses’ but this term could imply the exclusion of building stone and material for agricultural use.

Permitted reserve The tonnage of mineral in a site (including stockpiles) for which full planning consent (planning permission with determined conditions attached) for extraction exists. Such sites may be operational or inactive. Inactive sites include those where extraction has been undertaken in the past and where permitted reserves still remain and those where planning permission has been granted but extraction has yet to begin. Dormant sites, as defined by the Planning & Compensation Act 1991 and the Environment Act 1995, as re-enacted in the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, cannot be worked until new schemes of conditions have been determined and therefore do not contain permitted reserves. See also landbank.

SAC Special Areas of Conservation designated in accordance with regulation 3 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 have been given special protection as important conservation sites. SACs are also SSSIs.

SPA Special Protection Areas designated in accordance with regulation 15 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 have been identified as being of international importance for the breeding, feeding, wintering or the migration of rare and vulnerable species of birds. SPAs are also SSSIs.

SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest designated by NatureScot so as to conserve areas of special interest for their flora, fauna, geological or geomorphological interest.



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