Fair Trade in Scotland: review
Explores Scotland’s potential to achieve inclusive growth through the delivery of increased sales and awareness of Fair Trade.
Appendix 8: Copy of Fair Trade Campaigner survey
Fair trade marketing and promotion
* 22. To what extent do you regard the following emerging trends as opportunities for increasing sales in fairly traded goods?
Please rank the following 4 options, with 1= most significant opportunity and 5= the least important.
- Customer awareness of environmentally friendly and organic products
- Vegetarian and vegan trends
- Fashion revolution/slow fashion movement
- 'Foodie' trails or initiatives that promote quality and provenance of food goods
* 23. How do you promote fair trade products in your area/organisation?
Please tick all that apply
- Scottish news press/lifestyle magazines (online/printed)
- Social media
- Local radio
- Own leafleting/poster campaigns
- We don't specifically promote fair trade goods
- Stalls at community/faith group events
- Word of mouth - friends, family and colleagues at work
- Other (please specify)
24. What forms of marketing or advertising do you think have proved most effective in increasing support for fair trade locally/regionally?
Please comment below.
25. If you have carried out any research relating to fair trade for your group/ area, can you tell us what it involved and whether you would be happy to share your findings this with us for the purpose of the review's findings?
26. What is your target audience for your campaigning in Scotland?
- Local consumer
- Visitors to the area
- Public agencies
- Politicians (local and national)
- Other (please specify)
27. What fairly traded products do you think need to be promoted more at national level?
- Food
- Drinks
- Handicrafts (home)
- Fashion
- Other non-food
- Other (please specify)
28. What do you consider to be the most significant barriers to increase fair trade sales in Scotland?
- Rapid changes in consumer trends for fashion and healthy eating
- Difficulty in finding suppliers
- loss of value of the £
- Brexit: impacts on importers
- Balancing existing successful products with the need to introduce new ones
and finally … Co-operation with other fair trade groups
29. Please tell us about any working relationship you/your group has with other local/regional fair trade or like-minded groups (e.g. fair trade towns, schools and Development Education Centres, Co-operative community pioneer etc).
30. If you don't currently have any connections with other groupings what are the reasons for this?
- Don't know who they are
- Not convinced there would be any benefit
- Not enough time to engage
- Other (please specify)
31. If you would be happy to be contacted for further informationand your views as part of this review, please provide your preferred contact detailed below.
We will only use your contact information for the purposes of this review and not pass on to any third parties.
- Name
- Company
- Address
- Address 2
- City/Town
- ZIP/Postal Code
- Country
- Email Address
- Phone Number
Fair Trade Supplier and Retailer survey
About your company or organisation
Thank you for participating in this Scottish Government commissioned review of fair trade sales promotion in Scotland. The survey should take a maximum of 15 minutes to complete.
All responses will be anonymised and aggregated and no individual company identified in our analysis of responses, unless you wish us to do so.
* 1. How would you describe your company/social enterprise?
Please tick as many as apply
- Retailer: the majority of the products we sell are fair trade
- Retailer: a minority of the products we sell are fair trade
- Wholesaler/distributor: supplying only fair trade goods to the retail market/ direct to consumers
- Importer of fairly traded commodities
- Food service provider using fair trade produce
- A Fair Trade Organisation
2. Where is your company/organisation based?
- Scotland
- England
- Wales
- Northern Ireland
- Europe
- Other (please specify)
* 3. What's the legal structure of your company?
you may be more than one of the following:
- Ltd Company
- Co-operative
- Charity
- Social enterprise (with a social mission)
- Other (please specify)
Sales of fair trade products
We would like to know more about what, how much and where you sell your fair trade goods.
* 4. Which of the following ethically branded products do you retail or supply?
Please tick as many as apply.
- Fairtrade Mark (registered certification from the FairTrade Labelling Organisation)
- WFTO (World Fair Trade Organisation) Guarantee Scheme
- Rainforest Alliance/UTZ
- Cocoa Life (Mondolez)
- Leaf Marque
- Fairly traded in-store own brands
- Non-certified but fairly traded direct imports (e.g.. Just Trading Scotland rice)
- Other (please specify)
5. Please indicate, to the nearest £10,000, the total value of your fair trade good sales across the UK in your last reported financial year?
Skip to next question if you are unable to answer
6. What % proportion of these sales are to the Scotland market?
* 7. By what percentage (%) do you project fair trade sales to grow in the next 2 years?
0 / 50 / 100
8. Which of the following fairly traded product categories do you retail/supply?
please tick all that apply
- Hot beverages (tea/coffee etc).
- Wine
- Chocolate
- Other food
- Flowers
- Handicrafts
- Other non-food
- Other (please specify)
* 9. Which commodity group has seen the greatest growth in sales, from your perspective, in the last 2 years?
Please state below
* 10. Over the next 2 years, would you say that over the next 2 years your company will:
- plan to increase the range of products you supply/retail
- keep the product range you currently have
- decrease the number of fairly traded products you supply/retail?
* 11. Thinking about your fair trade sales performance, please tell us which of the following factors influence your decision to increase/decrease your fairly traded productranges?
Please indicate the importance of each of following factors where 1 = extremely important influence
Extremely important / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / not at all important
- Difficulty in sourcing suppliers
- Rapid changes in retail trends e.g. fashion and healthy eating
- Profit margin of individual products
- Shelf life
- Balancing product mix between existing and new
- Other (please specify)
12. Do you directly retail fair trade goods to the consumer?
- Yes
- No
13. As a retailer, what percentage (%) of your fair trade goods range are retailed online?
0 / 50 / 100
14. As an online retailer of fair trade goods, to what extent would you say online retail sales have increased your overall fair trade sales turnover?
- Major increase (over 50%)
- Increased somewhat (up to 25%)
- Minor increase
- No increase
- Not relevant
15. What government/public agency support, if any, do you think might assist you to increase your fair trade offer successfully?
Please tick all that apply
- Business development support
- Specific IT/technical advice on online trading
- Website development advice
- Other (please specify)
Supply Chains
Just a couple of questions on your experience with supply chains
16. Thinking about the constraints you experience relating to your supply chains, which of the following affect your business, where 1 is the most important ?
I extremely important / 2 quite important / 4 not important at all / Not relevant
- Seasonality of goods
- Crop failure
- Lack of adequate distribution networks in Scotland
- Reduced product ranges available from supplier/producer
- Confusion due to changes in branding
- Other (please specify)
* 17. Please tell us if any of the following would help you improve your fair trade sales in terms of supply
- Business finance, including short term credit loans
- Improving links and better communications with suppliers
- Governmental level support for importers of fair trade goods
- Other (please specify)
You and the fair trade customer
We would like to know more about how you respond to consumer trends and market your fair trade offer in Scotland.
* 18. To what extent do you regard the following emerging consumer trends as opportunities for increasing sales in fairly traded goods?
Please rank the following 4 options 1,2,3 and 4, with 1 = most significant opportunity and 4 = the least important.
- Environmentally friendly and organic products
- Eco-friendly packaging
- Vegetarian and vegan trends
- Fashion revolution/slow fashion movement
* 19. How does your company/organisation market your fairly traded product offering in Scotland?
Please tick all that apply
- Scottish news press/lifestyle magazines (online/printed)
- Social media
- Local radio
- TV campaigns
- Own leafleting campaigns
- We don't specifically promote fair trade goods
- Through our distributor publicity
- Other (please specify)
20. And finally.....
Based on your experience, which methods have you found most successful in the promotion and sale of your fair trade offer?
Vital / Quite important / Not at all important
- Offer a wide range of FT products
- Informed buyers/consumers of FT products
- Having a choice of outlets (including online)
- High levels of customer engagement/customer loyalty
- Engagement with other FT stakeholders
- Sound business advice
- Commercial business practices
- Other (please specify)
21. Please use this text box to add any additional comments you would like to make on retailing and supplying fair trade products to the Scottish market
22. If you would be happy to be contacted for further information and your views as part of this review, please provide your preferred contact detailed below.
We will only use your contact information for the purposes of this review and not pass on to any third parties.
- Name
- Company
- Address
- Address 2
- City/Town
- ZIP/Postal Code
- Country
- Email Address
- Phone Number
Email: estelle.jones@gov.scot
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