Public sector pay policy 2020 to 2021: technical guide

Supports the application of the 2020 to 2021 public sector pay policy and applies to staff in the Scottish Government and its associated departments, agencies, non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) and public corporations.

Covid-19: Impact on 2020-21 Pay Round

In recognition of Covid-19 emergency and the potential impact on availability of key staff for both public bodies and Trade Unions to engage in meaningful pay negotiations at this time discussions have taken place at a national level with Trade Unions to deliver a constructive solution to allow staff to receive the pay award in a timeous manner.

The Cabinet Secretary for Finance has agreed with Trade Unions that public bodies should implement the basic award elements of the Public Sector Pay Policy as soon as is practicable (or at the appropriate pay award date if this is after 1 April).

Those public bodies whose funding is not significantly compromised by Covid-19 are expected to implement the pay award by May 2020 salaries. Where bodies have a multi-year deal in place, they are expected to implement the pay award they have agreed for 2020-21.

To facilitate this process, public bodies will be asked to confirm their intentions in regard of progression and the basic pay elements; that the costs are affordable within existing budget provision; and will be implemented in May 2020 salaries. For those public bodies who have not yet submitted their standard 2020-21 pay remit proforma, this will involve completing a separate confirmation template.

This approach does not replace local pay bargaining arrangements. This is in essence an interim pay award pending formal pay negotiations being able to be carried out at a later date when the COVID-19 restrictions have lifted. At that point, we would anticipate Trade Unions presenting their pay claim and public bodies will have the opportunity to consider local workforce issues. Public Bodies will need to submit a standard pay remit proforma in advance of any negotiations taking place with Trade Unions as set out in this Technical Guide.



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