Public sector pay policy 2020 to 2021: technical guide

Supports the application of the 2020 to 2021 public sector pay policy and applies to staff in the Scottish Government and its associated departments, agencies, non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) and public corporations.

9. Pay Policy Quick Reference

Pay Increases and Thresholds

  • Guaranteed 3 per cent increase for those who earn between £25,000 and £80,000
  • Limits the basic pay increase for those earning £80,000 or more to £2,000

Low pay measures

  • Requirement for employers to pay the real Living Wage (£9.30 per hour)
  • Guaranteed cash underpin of £750 for those earning £25,000 or less

Addressing inequalities

  • Provides the flexibility for employers to use up to 0.5 per cent of paybill savings to address evidenced inequalities in pay and grading structures

Other Elements

  • Retains the position on progression as a matter for discussion between employers and their staff and/or representatives (limited to a maximum of 1.5 per cent for Chief Executives)
  • Continues the commitment to No Compulsory Redundancy
  • Maintains the suspension of non-consolidated payments (bonuses)
  • Continues the expectation to deliver a 10 per cent reduction in the remuneration package for all new Chief Executive appointments
Scottish Chief Executive Pay Framework 2020-21 (base pay)
Pay Band Minimum Maximum Ceiling
3 £110,821 £150,884 £221,750
2 £91,466 £130,072 £174,298
1A £75,383 £109,352 £139,334
1 £64,901 £98,854 £127,731
Chairs & Members Daily Fee Framework 2020-21 (gross daily fees)
Tier Minimum Maximum Ceiling
Tribunal £337 £558 £708
Tier 1 £335 £495 £552
Tier 2 £217 £369 £438
Tier 3 £149 £234 £320
Tier Minimum Maximum Ceiling
Tribunal (specialist skills only) £262 £387 £507
Tier 1 £240 £357 £450
Tier 2 £182 £269 £339
Tier 3 £98 £190 £272



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