
Budget (Scotland) Act: Autumn Budget Revision 2021-2022

Supporting document to the Budget (Scotland) Act 2021 amendment Regulations 2021 which provides details of Level 2 and 3 budget changes to the budgets presented in the Budget (Scotland ) Act 2021.

Table A: Reconciliation between former Scottish Government Portfolios and New Scottish Government Portfolios (HMT)

2021-22 Draft Budget Structure Total
Health and Sport 17,247.5
Communities & Local Government 12,048.2
Finance 156.0
Education & Skills 4,948.9
Justice 2,872.0
Transport, Infrastructure & Connectivity 4,065.4
Environment, Climate Change & Land Reform 566.1
Rural Economy & Tourism 1,176.6
Economy, Fair Work & Culture 1,448.1
Social Security and Older People 4,004.6
Constitution, Europe and External Affairs 82.3
Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service 156.7
Total Portfolios 48,772.4
Food Standards Scotland 19.5
Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator 3.6
Scottish Housing Regulator 5.1
Scottish Fiscal Commission 2.0
Revenue Scotland 7.1
Registers of Scotland 25.2
NHS & Teachers Pensions 5,853.8
Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service 136.3
National Records of Scotland 64.3
Total Scottish Government 54,889.3
Scottish Parliament & Audit 135.6
Total Scottish Budget 55,024.9
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
17,247.5 17,247.5
11,918.9 123.8 1.5 4.0 12,048.2
156.0 156.0
4,948.9 4,948.9
2,872.0 2,872.0
359.4 3,695.5 10.5 4,065.4
482.1 84.0 566.1
186.6 121.2 868.8 1,176.6
1,204.7 243.4 1,448.1
4,004.6 4,004.6
2.5 27.0 52.8 82.3
156.7 156.7
17, 247. 5 15, 923. 5 2, 030. 5 4, 948. 9 2, 874. 5 4, 298. 8 963. 3 271. 9 56. 8 156. 7 48, 772. 4

Portfolio movements

Level 2 changes

H&S - no change

F-add Enterprise, Econ Advice, Employability & Train, SNIB, NRS and AiB from EFWC, Planning from C&LG, Cities, Fergusons and digital connectivity from TIC. Rural Economy Enterprise and Tourism from RET

E&S - no change

Justice - Veterans added

TIC - Cities. Fergusons and digital connectivity moved to FE, Islands Plan moved to RA&I, ECCLR (except Marine) and FLS and Scottish Forestry added a

C&LG - Move Governance, Elections and Reform to DFM&CR, Planning to F&E add SSOP and renamed

ECC&LR - all to NZET (except Marine to RAI)

RET - add Marine, add Islands Plan, Rural Economy Enterprise and Tourism to F&E, Scottish Forestry and Forestry Land Scotland to NZET and renamed

EFWC- Enterprise, Economic Advice, Employability & Training, SNIB, ESF, ERDF, NRS and AiB moved to F&E

CEEA - Parliamentary Business stays, External Affairs to CEAC, Veterans to Justice, Governance, Elections & Reform added and rename

COPFS - no change

E&S (Education and Skills), F&E (Finance and Economy), H&SC (Health and Social Care), CEA&C (Constitution, External Affairs & Culture),

RAI (Rural Affairs & Islands), NZET (Net Zero, Energy &Transport), SJH&LG (Social Justice, Housing and Local Government), DFM&CR (Deputy First & Covid Recovery)

Level 3 changes

DFMCR - move Veterans to Justice

F&E - move Building Standards to SJH&LG

F&E - move Architecture and Place to CEA&C

DFM&CR - move Royal and Ceremonial to CEA&C

SJH&LG - move Regeneration to F&E

Level 4 changes

F&E (Ent, Trade and Invest) - move External Network Offices to CEA&C (External Affairs)

DFMCR - move Local Governance to SJH&LG



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