
Public sector pay policy 2021 to 2022: technical guide

Supports the application of the 2021 to 2022 public sector pay policy and applies to staff in the Scottish Government and its associated departments, agencies, non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) and public corporations.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) impact on 2021-22 pay

In recognition of the impact of the on-going COVID-19 health emergency on the public sector and to allow employers and trade unions to close off the 2020-21 pay round, the Cabinet Secretary for Finance agreed public bodies could carry forward up to 0.5 per cent from unused flexibilities in 2020-21 to address inequalities to 2021-22. All proposals to use these will be included in the 2021-22 staff pay remit proforma.

The Cabinet Secretary for Finance has decided to apply an interim pay award for 2021-22. Public bodies should implement the guaranteed basic pay increases by May salaries where possible. Employer discretions on pay remain subject to negotiation which should take place as soon as is practicable.

Public bodies can include pay progression and extend their commitment to No Compulsory Redundancy as part of the interim award. This matches the approach taken in 2020-21.

Where public bodies have a multi-year deal in place, they are expected to implement the pay award they have agreed for 2021-22.



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