Budget - provisional outturn 2023 to 2024: briefing note - 20 June 2024

The 2023 to 2024 provisional HM Treasury fiscal outturn is £49.3 billion against a fiscal budget of £49.6 billion. The remaining funding of £292 million (0.6% of the total budget) has been carried forward within the Scotland Reserve if confirmed at Final Outturn with no loss of spending power.

Comparison with Previous Years – HM Treasury Budgets

38. For purposes of comparison, the HMT fiscal variance against total budget reported for the last four years including 2023-24 are summarised within Table 6 below:

Table 6: 201 9-20 to 2023-24 Outturn Variances Comparison – HM Treasury Budgets
Resource Capital Financial Transactions
Year £million £million £million
2023-24 (162) (130) 0
2022-23 (250) (32) (44)
2021-22 (604) (81) (14)
2020-21 (358) (7) (61)
2019-20 (150) (74) (97)


Email: fiscalmanagement@gov.scot

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