Fishing quota - additional allocation from 2024: consultation - business and regulatory impact assessment

Business and regulatory impact assessment to assess the impacts associated with the allocation of additional quota.

7. Regulatory and EU Alignment Impacts

7.1 Intra-UK Trade

No options are expected to impact upon provisions of the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020.

7.2 International Trade

The proposed criteria do not have the potential to affect imports or exports of a specific good or service, or groups of goods or services.

The proposed consultation criteria do not have the potential to affect trade flows with one or more countries.

The proposed consultation criteria do not include different requirements for domestic and foreign businesses.

7.3 EU Alignment

The Fisheries Act 2020 revoked the EU Common Fisheries Policy. EU Member states have the power to allocate received quota as they see fit in an analogous manner to the UK. As such this policy should see no change to alignment with the EU.



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