
2024 Scottish Additional Quota Consultation Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

Partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the consultation on distribution of additional quota fishing opportunities.

17. Summary and Recommendation

Which option is being recommended and why? Refer to analysis of costs and benefits in reaching the decision. Summarise in table below:

No option is being recommended in advance of consultation. Following analysis and consideration of consultation responses, a recommendation will be made to Ministers.

Option 1 (Do Nothing)

Total benefit per annum: economic, environmental, social


Total cost per annum: economic, environment, social, policy and administrative


Option 2

Total benefit per annum: economic, environmental, social

Equal benefit among vessels; rebalance away from dominant quota holders; proportionally more fish caught with lower impact gears.

Total cost per annum: economic, environment, social, policy and administrative

Unwanted quota may lead to swapping and other speculative use of assets.

Option 3

Total benefit per annum: economic, environmental, social

Aligns with Scottish Government policy to link economic activity with the local area.

Total cost per annum: economic, environment, social, policy and administrative

There may be costs to vessels in landing to Scottish ports if their normal practice was to land elsewhere.

Option 4

Total benefit per annum: economic, environmental, social

Links economic gain from AQ with higher working standards for crew.

Total cost per annum: economic, environment, social, policy and administrative

Accreditation has a time and financial cost to be borne by vessels.

Option 5

Total benefit per annum: economic, environmental, social

Balances continued activity with other uses of marine space.

Total cost per annum: economic, environment, social, policy and administrative

No guarantee of like-for-like continuation of activity. Risks perception of AQ as a compensatory scheme.

Option 6

Total benefit per annum: economic, environmental, social

Incentivises the use of gear with increased selectivity and fishing techniques or reduced environmental impact.

Total cost per annum: economic, environment, social, policy and administrative

May be a cost to vessels to vessels in adaptation.

Option 7

Total benefit per annum: economic, environmental, social

Allows flexibility to adopt criteria in compliance with law and accordance with policy.

Total cost per annum: economic, environment, social, policy and administrative

Some administrative and policy costs to determine the correct mix of approaches.



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