
2024 Scottish Additional Quota Consultation Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

Partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the consultation on distribution of additional quota fishing opportunities.

9. Competition Assessment

Explain whether proposals will have an impact on competition ensuring you provide evidence to back up any statements you make.

  • Will the measure directly or indirectly limit the number or range of suppliers

Option 1 – A Combination of A) Historic Track Record (HTR) (Of Landings) and B) Special Allocation for the Non-Sector Groups places a barrier to new entrants to the Scottish fishing sector, as there is no way to accumulate a historic track record and thus qualify for quota allocation, excepting via Special Allocations. However, there are already barriers to entry such as obtaining finance for vessels and crew that are arguably greater than those imposed by the proposed allocation methodology of AQ.

Special Allocations are a way to address this over time.

  • Will the measure limit the ability of suppliers to compete

Option 3 – Landings into Scottish Ports may affect the ability of suppliers to compete. Vessels land catches into ports for a variety of reasons including proximity, prices achieved, operational efficiencies and buyer preferences. There may be costs to vessels in landing to Scotland however the intention is for the additional quota unlocked by landing here to offset these costs.

Option 4 – Access to Additional Quota for Vessels with Independent Accreditation may limit the ability to compete if pelagic vessels elect not to apply for certification, thus ruling themselves out of receiving that portion of AQ. However, receiving the full allocation would be a clear incentive to participate in the scheme. We see little reason for any of our pelagic vessels not to be able to be accredited and it may ultimately enhance their marketing options whilst delivering improved standards of crew employment and welfare.

Option 6 – Application by Sectoral Groups on Specific Environmental Criteria may affect the ability of supplies to compete. Qualification will be limited to those fishing using gear that has increased selectivity (beyond the limits legally mandated) and the use of fishing techniques with a reduced environmental impact

  • Will the measure limit suppliers’ incentives to compete vigorously

No option limits incentives to compete.

  • Will the measure limit the choices and information available to consumers

No option limits choice and information available to consumers.



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