2024 Scottish Quota Management Rules

Rules which document the distribution of fishing quota to Scottish vessels and the management of Scottish vessel interests.

10. Annex C

10.1 Contacts

10.1.1 Access to Sea Fisheries Team

Head of Access to Sea Fisheries: Malcolm MacLeod

Tel: 07580975935 / 0131 244 4421 (office only)

Email: malcolm.macleod@gov.scot

Senior Policy Manager (Quota): Ross Parker

Tel: 07584 998572 / 0131 244 4766 (office only)

Email: ross.parker@gov.scot

Senior Policy Manager (Licensing): Gordon Hart

Tel: 0131 244 4980 (office only)

Email: gordon.hart@gov.scot

Senior Policy Manager: Malcolm Baptie

Tel: 07442822956 / 0131 244 4641 (office only)

Email: malcolm.baptie@gov.scot

Licensing & Policy Officer: Pam MacLennan

Email: pam.maclennan@gov.scot

General Enquiries

Email: accesstoseafisheries@gov.scot

10.1.2 Marine Analytical Unit (Marine Statistics)

Marine Analytical Unit General Enquiries

Email: MarineAnalyticalUnit@gov.scot

Data Officer: Gail burns

Email: gail.burns@gov.scot

10.1.3 Marine Directorate website

Marine and fisheries - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)


Email: accesstoseafisheries@gov.scot

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