2024 Scottish Quota Management Rules

Rules which document the distribution of fishing quota to Scottish vessels and the management of Scottish vessel interests.


1 UK and England quota management rules - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

2 Concordat on management arrangements for fishing quotas and licensing in the UK - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

3 Fish stocks: allocation of additional quota - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

4 Under Regulation (EU) 1379/2013 which has been assimilated into UK law and applies in Scotland

5 As set out in Article 14 of Regulation (EU) 1379/2013 which has been assimilated into UK law and applies in Scotland

6 Districts and creeks A3 Jan 2023 (www.gov.scot)


Email: accesstoseafisheries@gov.scot

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