
The 5 Step Approach to Evaluation: Designing and Evaluating Interventions to Reduce Reoffending SUMMARY

A summary (updated) version of 5 step evaluation guidance describing how to use the 5 step approach to design and evaluate criminal justice interventions.

The 5-Step Approach

The 5-Step approach to evaluation


Identify the problem


If your ultimate aim is to change people's attitudes, emotions or behaviour, you need to be clear and explicit what it is you are trying to change and why there is currently a need for this to happen.


Review the evidence


Interventions should be clearly structured and designed using robust evidence so it is important to be familiar with the results from relevant 'what works' and desistance evidence-base. If the aim of the intervention is more specific, for example to promote recovery from drug addiction or to improve parenting skills then also track down the relevant evidence-base and embed the findings into how the service works.


Draw a logic model


A logic model is a simplified diagram which shows, step-by-step, why the activities you plan should achieve your aims. The logic model forms the basis for evaluating the whole project - you are going to test whether these steps happened as you predicted.


Identify Indicators and monitor your model


Use the logic model to identify indicators (i.e. measurements or observations) that things actually happen as you predicted. You will need to collect data about your project FROM THE START on inputs, activities, users, short, medium and long-term outcomes.


Evaluate logic model


Analyse the data you've collected on your various indictors to evaluate how well your project worked for your various users. Report on whether your data suggests the logic model worked as planned. Be honest about any areas which were less effective. Use this to improve your service.


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