17 results
Am Plana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh: Sgrìobhainn Chochomhairleachaidh
This consultation covers the content of the national Good Food Nation Plan. It seeks views on the Outcomes; ways of measuring progress; and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions. This is a Gaelic translation of the consultation.
National Islands Plan review: consultation - Gaelic
Chaidh a’ chiad Phlana Nàiseanta nan Eilean riamh aig Alba fhoilseachadh ann an 2019. Tha e a-nis ga ath-sgrùdadh mar a tha riatanach fo Achd nan Eilean (Alba) 2018, agus dh’fhaodte gun tèid Plana Nàiseanta nan Eilean ùr fhoillseachadh mar thoradh air seo.
National events strategy review: consultation - Gaelic version
Gaelic version of consultation to help shape the review of Scotland's national events strategy.
National events strategy review: consultation
Scotland's National events strategy is being reviewed and updated. This will extend its term to the end of 2035. This survey provides everyone with a role in Scotland’s world-class event industry the chance to shape the sector’s updated strategy.
National Events Strategy Review: Easy Read version
Easy Read version of consultation to help shape the review of Scotland's National Events Strategy.
National Outcomes review 2023: consultation information pack - easy read version
We want to hear from people and communities across Scotland about whether our National Outcomes continue to reflect the kind of Scotland we want to see. We would also like to hear about how the National Performance Framework could have a bigger impact.
National Outcomes review 2023: consultation information pack
We want to hear from people and communities across Scotland about whether our National Outcomes continue to reflect the kind of Scotland we want to see. We would also like to hear about how the National Performance Framework could have a bigger impact.
International culture strategy: survey
We are seeking views to inform the development of a strategy to support the international aspirations and potential of Scotland’s culture sector.
International culture strategy: survey - easy read
We are seeking views to inform the development of a strategy to support the international aspirations and potential of Scotland’s culture sector.
Migration Advisory Committee Call for evidence - impact of ending freedom of movement on the adult social care sector: Scottish Government response
The Scottish Government has highlighted in previous responses to the MAC the challenges of recruitment and retention in the social care sector. This response builds upon and updates those previous representations with a particular focus on the adult social care sector.