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Search results 3

Showing 195 publications about Equality and rights of type Consultation analysis or Consultation paper

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  1. A National Care Service for Scotland consultation: easy read

    An easy read version of the National Care Service consultation paper.

    Part of:
    National Care Service
  2. Miners' strike 1984/85 pardon consultation: analysis of responses

    Findings from the analysis of the responses received to the consultation, which ran from 12 March 2021 to 4 June 2021.

  3. Climate change - Net Zero Nation - draft public engagement strategy: consultation analysis

    Analysis of the responses to the public consultation on the climate change - Net Zero Nation: draft public engagement strategy, which sets out our framework for engaging the people of Scotland in the transition to a net zero nation which is prepared for the effects of our changing climate.

  4. Complaints against lawyers and legal firms: consultation analysis

    Analysis of the responses to the public consultation on potential improvements to the legal complaints system in Scotland, which ran between 23 December 2020 and 20 February 2021.

  5. Terminal illness - definition for the purpose of Disability Assistance - guidance: consultation analysis

    Our analysis of responses to the consultation on guidance of the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, on the definition of terminal illness for the purpose of disability assistance, undertaken between 12 February and 19 April 2019.

  6. Adult Disability Payment: consultation analysis

    Our analysis of responses to the consultation on Adult Disability Payment regulations undertaken between 21 December 2020 and 15 March 2021.

  7. Adult Disability Payment: consultation response

    Our response to the consultation analysis report about the consultation on Adult Disability Payment undertaken between 21 December 2020 and 15 March 2021.

  8. Early medical abortion at home - future arrangements: consultation analysis

    This consultation analysis report summarises and analyses the views expressed in response to the consultation on the future arrangements for early medical abortion at home.

  9. Equally safe - challenging men's demand for prostitution: Scottish Government response

    Our response to the findings of a public consultation seeking views on how best to challenge men’s demand for prostitution in Scotland, reducing the harms associated with prostitution and supporting women involved to exit.

  10. Equally safe - challenging men's demand for prostitution: consultation analysis

    Analysis of responses to a public consultation seeking views on how best to challenge men’s demand for prostitution in Scotland, reducing the harms associated with prostitution and supporting women involved to exit.

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