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Showing all 38234 publications

  1. Cavers East Lodge - Presence of Badger Setts and Mitigation: EIR release

    Information request and response under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004

  2. Scottish Animal Welfare Commission - trapping of terrestrial wild mammals using snares: position paper

    A position paper from the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission (SAWC) on the live trapping of terrestrial wild mammals and using snares for lethal control in Scotland.

  3. Delivering value based health and care: a vision for Scotland

    Sets out the challenges our system is facing and how practising Realistic Medicine can deliver a more sustainable system. It includes six commitments on what we’ll do to support health and care professionals deliver care that people value.

  4. Electoral reform consultation

    Our consultation paper on electoral reform considers possible improvements to electoral law. It sets out a number of areas where the government has identified issues requiring action, including candidacy, voting, and electoral administration.

  5. Care Leaver Internship Scheme: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

  6. Independent Review of the Response to Deaths in Prison Custody: progress report - follow up

    Progress report by Gillian Imery, External Chair to provide an update one year on from the publication of the Independent Review of the Response to Deaths in Prison Custody in respect of the implementation of the recommendations and advisory points made by the Review.

  7. National Care Service: keeping you informed survey

    We want to understand the best way to let you know what we are doing to develop the National Care Service (NCS). This survey will let you tell us how you would like to find out updates and news about the NCS.

  8. Business enterprise research and development: 2021

    Key statistics on business enterprise research & development spend in Scotland.

    Part of:
    Business and innovation statistics
  9. Gross expenditure on research and development Scotland 2020

    The latest Gross Expenditure on R&D (GERD) statistics, which present information on research and development performed in Scotland in 2020.

    Part of:
    Business and innovation statistics
  10. Hydrogen action plan

    Actions that will be taken over the next five years to support the development of a hydrogen economy to further our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Scotland 's energy system while ensuring a just transition.

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