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Showing all 38249 publications

  1. Personal protective equipment - future supply: consultation analysis

    Analysis of the consultation on the future supply of pandemic Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Scotland. We sought views on the lessons we should learn from the COVID-19 pandemic, and the proposed new strategic arrangements for pandemic PPE supply in Scotland.

  2. Purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) and student housing: research

    This report is the main output from a research project we commissioned in January 2022. The research was commissioned to inform the work of the Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) Review Group.

  3. Purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) and student housing: research findings

    This report is the main output from a research project we commissioned in January 2022. The research was commissioned to inform the work of the Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) Review Group.

  4. Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) - site selection: draft guidelines

    Guidelines describing the proposed process for identifying and selecting Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) in Scottish waters. These were drafted by our statutory nature conservation advisors, NatureScot and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC).

  5. Highly Protected Marine Areas - policy framework and site selection guidelines: ICIA – partial screening report

    This report seeks to complete the first two stages of the island communities impact assessment (ICIA) process by identifying whether there are issues which merit further exploration. Consultation responses will be used to determine whether a full ICIA is required once specific HPMA sites are proposed.

  6. Highly Protected Marine Areas - policy framework and site selection guidelines: partial BRIA

    The partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) presents an initial assessment of the potential costs, benefits and risks of introducing HPMAs and their potential impacts on public, private or third sectors.

  7. Highly Protected Marine Areas - policy framework and site selection guidelines: socio-economic impact assessment – methodology

    This initial socio-economic impact assessment (SEIA) identifies and assesses potential economic and social effects of HPMAs and proposes a methodology for carrying out the site specific SEIAs.

  8. Highly Protected Marine Areas - policy framework and site selection guidelines: strategic environmental asessment

    This initial strategic environmental report assesses the environmental impacts of the Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMA) policy.

  9. Highly Protected Marine Areas - policy framework and site selection guidelines: sustainability appraisal

    Drafted by marine consultants ABPmer, the sustainability appraisal provides assessment of any cumulative impacts of the Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMA) policy and is based upon the draft policy framework and site selection guidelines.

  10. Highly Protected Marine Areas: consultation

    This consultation paper sets out the background, process, and rationale for Scottish Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMA), as well as containing the consultation questions.

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