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Showing all 38291 publications

  1. Native woodland plantation in Dunvegan: EIR release

    Information request and response under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004

  2. Scottish Super Sponsor Scheme : Русский язык - Russian translation explaining current pause

    Русский язык (Russian) translation with details of the current pause on the Scottish Super Sponsors Scheme.

  3. Scottish Super Sponsor Scheme : Українська - Ukrainian translation explaining current pause

    Українська (Ukrainian) translation with details of the current pause on the Scottish Super Sponsors Scheme.

  4. Scotland’s humanitarian response to the Ukraine crisis: Ministerial statement

    Statement by Minister with Special Responsibility for Refugees from Ukraine Neil Gray in the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday 1 November 2022. 

  5. Autumn Budget Revision 2022-23: Supporting Document

    Supporting document to the Budget (Scotland) Act 2022 Amendment Regulations 2023. Provides details of Level 2 and 3 budgets.

  6. Scotland's support for displaced people from Ukraine: Super Sponsor Scheme review

    Following the Scottish super sponsor scheme pause and review, this paper outlines the interventions that have been identified to improve the scheme and support offered to displaced people from Ukraine.

  7. Electricity Act 1989 applications - proposed fee changes consultation: Scottish Government response

    Our response to the consultation on proposals to increase the fees paid for applications under the Electricity Act 1989. Details of the proposed changes which Ministers intend to implement are provided and follows consideration of the points raised by respondents to our consultation.

  8. Electricity Act 1989 applications - proposed fee changes: consultation analysis

    Our analysis of the consultation responses received on the proposals to increase the fees paid for applications under the Electricity Act 1989.

  9. Electricity Act 1989 applications - proposed fee changes: final business and regulatory impact assessment

    Our business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) of the likely costs, benefits and risks of the proposed amendments to legislation to increase the fees paid for applications under the Electricity Act 1989.

  10. Estranged students in Further (FE) and Higher Education (HE) - experiences: literature review

    Research to understand the experiences of estranged students in further and higher education in Scotland.

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