Showing 1171 to 1181 of 1181 results
Scotland the Hydro Nation: prospectus and proposals for legislation consultation
Consultation seeking comments on the proposals for a Water Resources Bill.
Wind turbine consents: aviation objections and associated negative conditions
Guidance on dealing with aviation objections and associated negative conditions in wind turbine consents.
Scottish Energy Advisory Board: terms of reference
Remit of the Board and terms of reference for the Scottish Energy Advisory Board.
The recovery of heat from power generation in Scotland: study
This study examines the technical and financial prospects for recovery of heat from four sites used for large scale fossil fuel power generation and then explores policies that could help make the recovery of heat a more practical option.
Scotland's offshore wind route map: developing Scotland's offshore wind industry to 2020
Scotland's offshore wind route map: Developing Scotland's offshore wind industry to 2020.
Economic impacts of wind farms on Scottish tourism: report
Report commissioned by Glasgow Caledonian University to assess whether government priorities for wind farms in Scotland are likely to have an economic impact on Scottish tourism.
Economic impacts of wind farms on Scottish tourism: research findings
Research findings summary for the report: Economic impacts of wind farms on Scottish tourism.
The Crerar Review: the report of the independent review of regulation, audit, inspection and complaints handling of public services in Scotland
Report of the independent review of regulation, audit, inspection and complaints handling of public services in Scotland.
Radioactive waste policy statement
Policy statement on radioactive waste in Scotland, issued by the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment on 25 June 2007.
Biomass action plan for Scotland
Biomass action plan for Scotland.