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Showing all 38422 publications

  1. Prohibition of Smoking Outside Hospital Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2022: EQIA

    The results of the equality impact assessment ( EQIA) for The Prohibition of Smoking Outside Hospital Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2022. This summarises the policy intent, the key findings and recommendations

  2. Prohibition of Smoking Outside Hospital Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2022: FSD

    Fairer Scotland Duty (FSD) pre-screening document for The Prohibition of Smoking Outside Hospital Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2022. This summarises the policy intent and decision to not carry out a full impact assessment.

  3. Prohibition of Smoking Outside Hospital Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2022: ICIA

    Island communities impact assessment (ICIA) pre-screening document for The Prohibition of Smoking Outside Hospital Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2022. This summarises the policy intent and decision to not carry out a full impact assessment.

  4. Prohibition of Smoking Outside Hospital Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2022: SEA pre-screening notification

    Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) pre-screening document for The Prohibition of Smoking Outside Hospital Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2022. This summarises the policy intent and decision to not carry out a full impact assessment.

  5. Victim notification scheme for victims of offenders with a mental disorder: compulsion and restriction orders

    Booklet explaining compulsion and restriction orders to victims of offenders with a mental disorder.

    Part of:
    Victim notification scheme: documents
  6. Victim notification scheme: representations to a responsible medical officer

    Information leaflet for victims of offenders with a mental disorder, who wish to make written representations to a responsible medical officer.

    Part of:
    Victim notification scheme: documents
  7. Victim notification scheme: written representations to Scottish Ministers

    Guidance for victims on making written representations to Scottish Ministers on variation of conditions of discharge.

    Part of:
    Victim notification scheme: documents
  8. Victim notification scheme: making representations to the mental health tribunal for Scotland

    Guidance for victims of offenders with a mental disorder who wish to make written or oral representations to the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland.

    Part of:
    Victim notification scheme: documents
  9. Avian Influenza - movement of carcasses, samples, faeces and faecal samples: general licence

    General licence for the movement of carcasses, samples, faeces and faecal samples from live poultry or other captive Birds from a Premises in the Protection or Surveillance Zone to a laboratory or veterinary surgery for Investigation EXD415(HPAI)(GB).

  10. Correspondence regarding preparation of prospectus for an independent Scotland: FOI Review

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

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