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  1. Adult support and protection - GP and primary care guidance: consultation analysis

    We consulted on the proposed updating of the Adult Support and Protection guidance for GP and Primary Care Teams between 15 July and 26 August 2021. This report provides further detail from the responses we received.

  2. Statement of all expenditure made on corporate credit card: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

  3. GDP Monthly Estimate: September 2021

    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) statistics measure the output of the economy in Scotland. These monthly estimates have been developed to help track the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  4. Scotland's Devolved Employment Services: statistical summary November 2021

    This publication presents statistics for Fair Start Scotland (FSS) from April 2018 to September 2021 and experimental statistics on the No One Left Behind strategic approach to employability delivery, reporting on those receiving support from April 2019 to June 2021.

    Part of:
    Scotland's Devolved Employment Services statistics
  5. Correspondence relating to CCS, CCUS and COP26: EIR release

    Information request and response under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004

  6. National Islands Plan Delivery Group minutes: August 2021

    Minutes from the meeting of the group on 19 August 2021.

  7. Scottish City Region and Growth Deal Delivery Board: governance operating model

    Governance operating model (GOM) for the Scottish City Region and Growth Deals Delivery (SCRGDD) board or its successor (’SCRGDD board’ or ‘the board’).

  8. Consultancy fees data: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

  9. Citizens' Assembly of Scotland - Doing Politics Differently report: Scottish Government response

    Our response to the report of the Citizens' Assembly of Scotland report 'Doing Politics Differently'.

  10. Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: First Minister's statement – 23 November 2021

    Statement given by the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh on Tuesday 23 November 2021.

    Part of:
    First Minister's speeches
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