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  1. Scottish procurement policy handbook

    Rules and standards for public procurement. This document has been replaced with an updated Policy Handbook, published in May 2024.

  2. Local government finance circular 5/2008: finance settlement 2009-2010

    Local government finance circular 5/2008, containing the finance settlement for 2009-2010.

    Part of:
    Local government finance circulars
  3. Local government finance circular 2/2008: non-domestic interest rate 2008-2009

    Local government finance circular 2/2008, containing the non-domestic interest rate for 2008-2009.

    Part of:
    Local government finance circulars
  4. Local government finance circular 3/2008: local taxation statutory instruments 2008

    Local government finance circular 3/2008, containing local taxation statutory instruments 2008.

    Part of:
    Local government finance circulars
  5. Local government finance circular 4/2008: council tax freeze funding

    Local government finance circular 4/2008, containing the finance settlement 2008-2009, confirmation of council tax freeze funding.

    Part of:
    Local government finance circulars
  6. Community benefits in public procurement: guidance note

    While the main principles in this document remain valid, many references have been superseded. Please refer to the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014: statutory guidance.

  7. Community benefits in public procurement

    This report presents the findings of a pilot programme which was intended to promote the use of 'community benefit'.

  8. Local government finance circular 1/2008: finance settlement 2008-2011

    Local government finance circular 1/2008, containing the finance settlement 2008-2011 and redetermination of revenue support grant for 2007-2008.

    Part of:
    Local government finance circulars
  9. Crerar Review: government response

    Government response to the independent Crerar review of regulation, audit, inspection and complaints handling of public services.

  10. Signing powers for councillors: guidance

    Information for elected members of local authorities about their signing powers, which came into force on 10 December 2007.

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