Showing 11 to 21 of 61 results
National Improvement Framework - future of insight consultation: response summary and next steps
A summary of responses and next steps following the consultation on the future of Insight.
UHI Rural and Islands College merger proposal: consultation analysis
Analysis of responses to our consultation which was conducted to canvas views on the proposal to merge Lews Castle College with North Highland College.
Transfer of the functions of Education Appeal Committees to the Scottish Tribunals: consultation analysis
Summary of the analysis of responses submitted during the consultation on whether the functions of Education Appeal Committees (“appeal committees”) should transfer from the auspices of local authorities to the Scottish Tribunals.
Addition of trade union nominees to the boards of college institutions: consultation analysis
Analysis of responses to our consultation on the “Addition of trade union nominees to the boards of college institutions” which ran from 1 December 2022 to 27 January 2023.
School uniform: consultation analysis
Analysis report on the responses we received to our consultation on school uniforms in Scotland.
Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment: consultation - supplementary analysis
Supplementary report that should be read alongside the analysis of phase three consultation responses undertaken by Progressive Partnership.
Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment: consultation analysis
Summarises views from correspondents on phase three of the Independent Review covering each of the three elements within the proposed Scottish Diploma of Achievement (Subject Studies, Learning in Context and the Personal Pathway).
Scottish Languages Bill (Scots version) - Gaelic and Scots commitments: consultation analysis
External analysis o responses submittit tae the Scots Government's consultation on Gaelic, Scots and a Scots Languages Bill.
Scottish Languages Bill - Gaelic and Scots commitments: consultation analysis
External analysis of the responses submitted to the Scottish Government's consultation on Gaelic, Scots and a Scottish Languages Bill.
Scottish Languages Bill (Gaelic) - Gaelic and Scots commitments: consultation analysis
'S e an sgrìobhann seo mìneachadh bho thaobh muigh an Riaghaltais den cho-chomhairleachadh a chaidh a chumail air Gàidhlig, Albais is Bile nan Cànan Albannach.