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Showing 315 publications about Programme for Government

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  1. Scotland's News - towards a sustainable future for public interest journalism: report

    Independent report produced by the short-life Public Interest Journalism Working Group outlining their recommendations to the Scottish Government on developing a sustainable future for public interest journalism in Scotland.

  2. Supporting impact - Scottish Crown Estate net revenue: local authority use and insights

    Net Revenues from the Scottish Crown Estate have been distributed to coastal Local Authorities for the benefit of coastal communities since 2019. This study was commissioned as part of the review process for the first two rounds of distribution of Scottish Crown Estate net revenues.

  3. Internal communication relating to library funding: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

  4. National Trauma Training Programme: workforce survey 2021

    Main findings from an online survey of the Scottish workforce exploring awareness and attitudes to psychological trauma and trauma-informed practice. The survey was carried out by the Improvement Service as part of the National Trauma Training Programme.

  5. Tertiary education and research - Scottish Funding Council review: Scottish Government response

    Our response to the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) review of Coherence and Sustainability: A Review of Tertiary Education and Research which we committed to respond to under our Programme for Government. We welcome and broadly accept the review recommendations.

  6. Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 - benefit take-up strategy - October 2021: measuring take-up of low-income benefits

    In this supplementary paper to our second benefit take-up strategy we set out our approach to the measurement of low income benefits.

    Part of:
    Social security policy research and evaluation: publications
  7. Fossil fuel energy sector overseas - trade promotion support: policy

    Information about the Scottish Government policy on trade promotion support for the fossil fuel energy sector overseas.

  8. Honey bee health strategy: review

    Scottish Government in conjunction with the Bee Health Improvement Partnership (BHIP), have completed a review of the first 10 year strategy. This will allow us to understand the progress made since 2010 and how to support the sector in future years.

  9. Welfare of animals during transport - consultation: summary report

    Analysis of the responses received to the full public consultation, between 4 December 2020 to 26 February 2021, of the Farm Animal Welfare Committee's opinion on the welfare of animals during transport.

  10. National Development Plan for Crofting: Island Communities Impact Assessment

    Screening Report for the Island Communities Impact Assessment undertaken for the National Development Plan for Crofting.

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