Showing 2421 to 2431 of 2443 results
Crime and justice statistics: data sources and suitability, firearm offences
Factsheet covering multiple aspects of the Scottish Government's firearm offences data.
Reintegration and transitions for young offenders: guidance
Best practice information for local authorities, community planning partnership and service providers.
Assisting young people aged 16 and 17 in court
A toolkit for local authorities, the judiciary, court staff, police, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service and service providers.
Drug Treatment and Testing Orders (DTTO): guidance for schemes
Guidance for DTTO schemes.
- Part of:
- Justice social work guidance
Code of practice for anyone authorised under an intervention or guardianship order
Guidance for those authorised to make decisions on behalf of an adult with incapacity.
Alternatives to secure care and custody: guidance
Guidance for local authorities, community planning partnerships and service providers on developing a whole system approach.
Crime and macroeconomic performance in Scotland
This paper analyses the relationship between macroeconomic performance and crime in Scotland.
- Part of:
- Crime and justice statistics
Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice Providers: a quality assurance framework
Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice Providers: a quality assurance framework 2009.
Social work services in the criminal justice system: national outcomes and standards
Framework of practice.
- Part of:
- Justice social work guidance
Assessing the scale and impact of illicit drug markets in Scotland
This report provides initial estimates of the size and value of the illicit drugs market, and estimates of the social and economic cost of illicit drug use in Scotland for the year 2006.
- Part of:
- Crime and justice statistics