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Law and order
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  1. Local partnerships on alcohol and drugs: framework

    This is a joint Scottish Government, CoSLA and NHS framework which clarifies the roles, responsibilities and accountability of all bodies involved in tackling alcohol and drugs problems.

  2. Scottish Government Criminal Justice Directorate: Making Sure That Crime Doesn't Pay: Analysis of responses to Consultation and Next Steps

    Scottish Government response to comments received on its consultation paper on proposals for a new measure to prevent convicted criminals profiting from published accounts of their crimes

  3. Statistical Bulletin Crime and Justice Series: Criminal Proceedings in Scottish Courts, 2006/07

    Criminal Proceedings in Scottish Courts 2006-07

  4. The road to recovery: a new approach to tackling Scotland's drug problem

    Our national drugs strategy focuses on recovery but also looks at prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, education, enforcement and protection of children.

  5. Throughcare breach reports: circular advising of changes

    Circular informing of a change to the structure of throughcare breach reports.

    Part of:
    Justice social work guidance
  6. Adults with incapacity: code of practice for those authorised to access funds

    Guidance for individuals and organisations authorised to withdraw funds from the account of an adult and apply them for the adult's benefit.

    Part of:
    Adults with incapacity: forms and guidance
  7. Adults with incapacity: code of practice for local authorities

    Guidance for local authority staff with duties and powers under the Adults with Incapacity Act 2000.

    Part of:
    Adults with incapacity: forms and guidance
  8. Cross border transfer of orders: Criminal Justice Act 2003

    Guidance on the cross border transfer of two court supervision orders introduced by the Criminal Justice Act 2003.

    Part of:
    Justice social work guidance
  9. Adults with incapacity: code of practice for managers of authorised establishments

    Sets out the principles, rules and guidelines which should be followed by hospital and care home managers under the Adults with Incapacity Act 2000.

  10. Adults with incapacity: code of practice for supervisory bodies

    Sets out the principles, rules and guidelines which should be followed by supervisory bodies under the Adults with Incapacity 2000 Act.

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