Showing 21 to 31 of 61 results
Ending the sale of energy drinks to children and young people: consultation analysis
Independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on ending the sale of energy drinks to children and young people.
Further and higher education - residency criteria for access to financial support: consultation analysis
Our response to a 2023 consultation on the financial support residency conditions across Further and Higher Education. It includes information on the changes being made to the residency eligibility criteria.
Qualifications and Assessment Review: consultation analysis
This is an independent report by The Lines Between. It was commissioned by Scottish Government on behalf of Professor Louise Hayward as part of the independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment. The report contains an analysis of the responses received to the Phase Two public consultation.
Early learning and childcare and school age childcare services inspection: consultation analysis
The analysis report of the consultation on inspection of early learning and childcare and school age childcare services in Scotland.
Social security - Scottish Carer's Assistance consultation: Scottish Government response
Our response to the consultation analysis report about the Scottish Carer's Assistance consultation undertaken between 28 February 2022 and 25 May 2022.
Allied Health Professions - education and workforce policy review: recommendations
Allied Health Professions education and workforce policy review recommendations, message from Chief Allied Health Professions Officer for Scotland and next steps.
Home education guidance: consultation analysis
Summary and analysis of the responses received to the home education guidance consultation.
National Improvement Framework - enhanced data collection: consultation analysis
An analysis of responses to the consultation on enhanced data collection for improvement which ran from 9 May 2022 until 18 July 2022.
University of Strathclyde - TQFE Programme: consultation analysis
Analysis of responses to our consultation on “University of Strathclyde – Further Education Teaching Programme” which ran from 4 April 2022 to 16 May 2022.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery - public health, public services and justice system reforms: consultation analysis
Independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on supporting Scotland's recovery from coronavirus. This relates to the Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill.