Showing 3281 to 3291 of 3298 results
Included, engaged and involved: part 1 - attendance in Scottish schools
Guidance on the management of attendance and absence in Scottish schools.
Learning Connections Adult Literacies Phase-Two Pathfinders: Evaluation Framework
This report describes the development and support of an evaluation framework and evaluation tools for the eight phase two Pathfinder projects.
The Standards Council for Community Learning and Development in Scotland
An information leaflet showing the main functions of the Standards Council for Community Learning and Development and how these are being explored by the interim council.
Parent Council Welcome Pack
A Welcome Pack for members of new Parent Councils.
Qualifications for teachers of hearing and visually impaired children and young persons: guidance
Guidance on the appropriate qualifications for teachers of pupils who are hearing impaired, visually impaired or both hearing and visually impaired.
Growing up in Scotland: a study following the lives of Scotland's children
The first research report on Sweep 1 findings of the Growing Up in Scotland study.
Looked after children and young people: we can and must do better
Report of the Ministerial Working Group on educational outcomes for looked after children and young people.
Key capabilities in child care and protection
These key capabilities are designed to allow students within social work degree programmes to map their specific learning in this area.
Looking after the family: a study of children looked after in kinship care in Scotland
Study commissioned by the Social Work Services Inspectorate, now the Social Work Inspection Agency.
Guidance on the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006
Guidance for education authorities, parent councils and others on the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006.