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  1. Tartan Week 2023 delegation and costs breakdown: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

  2. Tartan Week 2023 costs breakdown: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

  3. European Regional Development Fund: annual implementation report 2021

    This Annual Implementation Report (AIR) presents the activities for the European Regional Development Fund for the investment for growth and jobs goal in 2021 with citizen's summary.

  4. European Social Fund: annual implementation report 2021

    This Annual Implementation Report (AIR) presents the activities for the European Social Fund for the investment for growth and jobs goal in 2021 with citizen's summary.

  5. Management of shared fish stocks: coastal state agreed records 2023

    Agreed records of coastal state consultations on the management of shared stocks in the north-east Atlantic in 2023.

    Part of:
    International fisheries agreements
  6. Odisha train crash: letter of condolences

    Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development expresses deepest sympathy to the people of India.

  7. European Commission Work Programme 2023: Scottish Government commentary

    Paper outlining the key features of the European Commission’s 2023 Work Programme (CWP). A Union standing firm and united, and sets out the Scottish Government’s (SG) priorities under the CWP six headline ambitions - A European Green Deal, A Europe fit for the Digital Age, An Economy that Works.

  8. Retained EU Law: letter to UK Government

    Letter from Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture calling for UK Government to respect devolution.

  9. Cabinet Secretary Angus Robertson's trip to Tartan Week: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

  10. Patrick Harvie MSP foreign trips: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

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