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Showing 411 to 421 of 2451 results

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Research and analysis
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  1. Whole Family Wellbeing Funding (WFWF): year 1 - process evaluation - interim report

    Whole Family Wellbeing Funding (WFWF) year 1 process evaluation interim report.

  2. Women's experiences of discrimination and the impact on health: research - easy read summary

    Findings from research on how women in Scotland experience discrimination and how it affects their health.

  3. Women's experiences of discrimination and the impact on health: research

    Findings from research on how women in Scotland experience discrimination and how it affects their health

  4. Enablers and barriers to trauma-informed systems, organisations and workforces: evidence review

    Findings of a rapid evidence review of the international literature published between 2016-2022 describing the enablers that support the effective implementation of trauma-informed approaches across different systems, organisations and workforces, as well as barriers.

  5. Enablers and barriers to trauma-informed systems, organisations and workforces: evidence review - appendices

    Appendices to the rapid evidence review of the international literature published between 2016-2022 describing the enablers that support the effective implementation of trauma-informed approaches across different systems, organisations and workforces, as well as barriers.

  6. Covid recovery: learning from person-centred approaches

    This report draws on four case studies of person-centred approaches to public service delivery, along with wider evidence, and summarises learning from person-centred approaches

  7. Building standards fee income and re-investment in service delivery: review

    Research looking at the fee income generated by building warrant applications and the level of re-investment of income back into the local authority building standards service following the 2017 fee increase. It also provides initial modelling for a new building standards fees model.

  8. Air quality report 2022: public engagement

    Findings from a quantitative study exploring public perceptions of air quality in Scotland among adults.

  9. Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation: National Improvement Framework - attainment and health and wellbeing measures

    Summarises evidence around improvement in attainment and health and wellbeing, and the gap between pupils from the most and least deprived areas. It is an initial key output from the new Attainment Scotland Fund (ASF) evaluation strategy and forms part of the overall body of evidence for the evaluation.

  10. Women in Agriculture Practical Training Fund 2021-2022: evaluation report

    Outlines the main findings of an evaluation of the Women in Agriculture Practical Training Fund 2021-2022 evaluation to see if the fund has helped increase personal development, provide additional skills for career progress and new opportunities for women in Scottish agriculture

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