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Health and social care
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  1. The Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000: Learning From Experience

    This report presents findings from a project examining the operation of Parts 2, 3 and 6 of the Act, which explored implementation, usage levels and people's experiences of using the legislations.

  2. Mental Health Act - named persons: guide

    A guide to named persons in the Mental Health Act.

  3. Mental Health Act - advance statements: guide

    Guide to advance statements for the 2003 Mental Health Act .

  4. Framework for Nursing in General Practice

    Guidance and support materials fro general practices on the employment and development of nurses

  5. Single Shared Assessment Indicator of Relative Need: Operational Guidance Users Handbook

    Guidance to assist implementation of SSA-IoRN

  6. Adults with incapacity: code of practice for managers of authorised establishments

    Sets out the principles, rules and guidelines which should be followed by hospital and care home managers under the Adults with Incapacity Act 2000.

  7. Adults with incapacity: code of practice for supervisory bodies

    Sets out the principles, rules and guidelines which should be followed by supervisory bodies under the Adults with Incapacity 2000 Act.

  8. The NHSScotland Code of Practice for the Local Management of Hygiene and Healthcare Associated Infection

    Guidance to NHSScotland

  9. The NHS Scotland National Cleaning Services Specification: Healthcare Associated Infection Task Force

    Guidance to NHSScotland

  10. Bowel Cancer Framework for Scotland

    Bowel cancer is an improtant health issue worldwide and, in Scotland, it represents a major problem. In this framework the key components of a national bowel cancer service programme are outlined.

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