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  1. Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26: major capital projects progress update - December 2023

    The following information relates to projects with a capital value of £5 million or more which are at the outline business case (or equivalent) approved stage or beyond.

    Part of:
    Infrastructure Investment Plan: progress reports
  2. Up-rating devolved Social Security assistance: multi criteria decision analysis - January 2024

    A report setting out a multi-criteria decision analysis of the options available to the Scottish Government to uprate devolved social security assistance in 2024 to 2025.

  3. Devolved Social Security assistance: up-rating for inflation in 2024-2025

    A report on the impact of inflation on devolved social security assistance as required under section 86A of the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018.

  4. Scotland as a technology nation: Innovation Minister speech

    Opening speech delivered by Minister for Small Business, Innovation, Tourism and Trade Richard Lochhead at the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, 25 January 2024.

  5. Scotland's International Strategy

    This strategy sets out our approach to international engagement and delivery to the end of the current parliamentary term.

  6. Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy visit to University of Glasgow: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

  7. Am Plana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh: Sgrìobhainn Chochomhairleachaidh

    This consultation covers the content of the national Good Food Nation Plan. It seeks views on the Outcomes; ways of measuring progress; and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions. This is a Gaelic translation of the consultation.

  8. Geàrr-iomradh air a' Phlana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh

    The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government. This is a Gaelic summary of the Plan.

  9. Minutes of meetings where Kate Forbes MSP and Mark Logan attended: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

  10. First Ministers Questions on 30th November 2023: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

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