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Showing 5521 to 5531 of 5573 results

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Health and social care
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  1. Non medical prescribing in Scotland: implementation guide

    Implementation guidance for nurse independent prescribers and for community practitioner nurse prescribers in Scotland.

  2. Modernising Nursing Careers: Setting the Direction

    Modernising Nursing Careers

  3. A Guide to Self-help Resources for Depression and Anxiety: A Practitioners' Resource: Doing Well by People with Depression

    An interactive guide on self-help resources for depression and other common mental health issues for use by practitioners

  4. Nutritional Guidance for Early Years: food choices for children aged 1-5 years in early education and childcare settings

    Nutritional guidance for early education and childcare settings for children aged 1-5

  5. Smoke-free Scotland - Guidance on smoking policies for the NHS, local authorities and care service providers

    Guidance on smoking policies for the NHS, local authorities and care service providers

  6. Smoking policies: guidance

    Guidance on smoking policies for the NHS, local authorities and care service providers.

  7. The New Mental Health Act: A guide to consent to treatment - Information for Service Users and their Carers

    he New Mental Health Act: A guide to consent to treatment - Information for Service Users and their Carers

  8. The Mental Health of Children and Young People: A Framework for Promotion, Prevention and Care

    The Framework has been developed to assist all agencies with planning and delivering integrated approaches to children and young people's mental health.

  9. The New Mental Health Act An Easy Read Guide

    An easy read short introduction to the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003

  10. mental health (care and treatment) (scotland) act 2003: code of practice- volume 3 compulsory powers in relation to mentally disordered offenders

    This Volume of the Code of Practice for the Mental Health (Care andTreatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 covers a range of issues relating tomentally disordered offenders.

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