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  1. Culture Strategy for Scotland: Culture Secretary's speech

    Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop addresses an event at Glasgow Women's Library.

  2. Plana Gàidhlig Riaghaltas na h-Alba 2016-2021

    Tha am plana seo a' mìneachadh an taic a tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba a’ toirt dhan Ghàidhlig na obraichean, airson gun dèan sinn cinnteach gum bi seasmhachd aig a’ Ghàidhlig an Alba san àm ri teachd.

  3. Scottish Government Gaelic Language Plan 2016-2021

    How the Scottish Government supports Gaelic in its operations, to ensure the language has a sustainable future in Scotland.

  4. Memorandum of understanding: Ofcom activities in Scotland

    An agreement between UK Government, Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament and the Office of Communications (Ofcom).

  5. Creative Industries Advisory Group (CIAG): Summary of Discussions

    Publication of Creative Industries Advisory Group (CIAG): Summary of Discussions

  6. Creative Industries Advisory Group minutes: February 2017

    Minutes from the February meeting of the Creative Industries Advisory Group.

  7. Scottish Commemorations Panel minutes: November 2016

    Minutes for the 28th meeting of the Scottish Commemorations Panel on 30 November 2016.

  8. Report for the five Scottish national performing companies: April 2015 to March 2016

    Annual report on National Theatre of Scotland, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Scottish Ballet, Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Scottish Opera.

  9. Policy Paper on BBC Charter Renewal (September 2016)

    Our updated policy position on BBC Charter Renewal.

  10. Programme for Government 2016 to 2017: First Minister's speech

    First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP's statement to Parliament on the 2016-2017 programme for government.

    Part of:
    Programme for Government
    First Minister's speeches
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