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Showing 561 to 571 of 584 results

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Arts, culture and sport
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  1. Supporter involvement in Scottish football clubs: consultation analysis

    Analyses the responses to a consultation on supporter involvement in influencing, governing, bidding for and buying professional football clubs in Scotland.

  2. Priorities for Government

    First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP outlines the Scottish Government's priorities to 2021.

    Part of:
    First Minister's speeches
  3. Instrumental teaching in Scotland: guidance

    Guidance for instrumental music instructors, music teachers and expressive arts managers, as well as head teachers and depute heads in Scottish schools.

  4. Scottish Culture Evidence Network (SCENe): seminar presentations

    Scottish Culture Evidence Network (SCENe) is a group of researchers, statisticians and evidence-interested people in the culture sector in Scotland.

  5. Scots language policy: Scots version

    Ootline o policy commitments an context surroondin the Scottish Government's support o Scots leid.

  6. Scots language policy: English version

    Outline of policy commitments and context surrounding the Scottish Government's support of Scots language.

  7. Scheduled Monument Consent - notification of applications: direction 2015

    Annexes A, B and C containing information about changes to Scheduled Monument Consent directions and changes to other directions.

  8. Heritage management directions and guidance: Chief Planner letter

    A letter from the Chief Planner advising planning authorities about the new arrangements relating to heritage management.

    Part of:
    Chief Planner letters
  9. Gaelic Language Plan 2015-2020: draft for consultation

    Draft Scottish Government plan regarding the development of Gaelic.

  10. Young performers licensing: a guide for local authorities

    A guide for local authorities, individuals or bodies who are required to organise performances or licensed sporting or modelling activities involving children and young people.

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