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Showing 114 publications about Business, industry and innovation of type Consultation analysis or Consultation paper

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  1. New Year's Day trading for large retailers: consultation

    Large retail businesses are currently able to open on New Year’s Day. This consultation is being held to seek the views of shop workers, retail businesses and others on whether the current law should change so that large retail businesses must close on New Year’s Day.

  2. Manufacturing recovery plan: consultation analysis – March 2021

    Summary report presenting the findings to a consultation on - "Making Scotland's Future: A Recovery Plan for Manufacturing". In addition, Annex 1 within this document signposts to a range of public sector funded support initiatives and organisations available to help manufacturers.

  3. Regulation of electricians: consultation analysis

    On 23 November 2020 the Scottish Government launched “A consultation on the regulation of electricians”. A total of 100 responses were received. 44 responses were from individuals and 40 from organisations, while the other respondents did not specify.

  4. Cleaner air for Scotland review: consultation analysis

    Analysis of responses to the consultation on a draft new air quality strategy for Scotland.

  5. National Islands Plan through a COVID Lens: survey results

    Summary of key findings after the six main local authorities with islands were invited to consider the impact of the (COVID-19) pandemic on the delivery of National Island Plan commitments and how these should be prioritised going forward.

  6. Public authorities sharing data - further consultation: response analysis

    Analysis of responses to the further consultation which sought views on a list of additional Scottish bodies that the Scottish Government is considering adding to Schedule 7 (debt powers) and Schedule 8 (fraud powers) of the Digital Economy Act 2017.

  7. Making Scotland's Future - recovery plan for manufacturing - draft: consultation

    We are consulting on Making Scotland's Future - a draft recovery plan for manufacturing which proposes a set of actions for delivery over the next 12 months which has been designed with industry, public sector, trade union and academia.

  8. Regulation of electricians: consultation

    Consultation considering whether regulatory measures are required to give greater protection to the public and reduce the level of poor electrical workmanship by a persistent rogue trader element. The consultation also discusses increasing consumer awareness.

  9. Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: consultation

    Consultation on a draft new air quality strategy for Scotland, taking into account the recommendations arising from the independent review of the Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy.

  10. Island communities impact assessments: guidance - consultation

    Our islands face particular challenges around distance, geography, connectivity and demography, so it is important that policy makers consider these properly. The consultation on the guidance will help ensure that islands receive fair treatment tailored to their unique circumstances.

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